The 23 Grossest Posts From the FB Group 'Urine Therapy' Alright so… apologies in advance but, there is a Facebook Group dedicated to drinking pee.
Warehouse Breaks and Leaks Bubbles Everywhere We’re not sure what happened here, but we definitely want to play in it.
TopGolf Dude Hits Ball Directly Into Electrical Line, Causes Blackout This is more impressive than a hole in one.
23 Evil Buildings Where Real-Life Supervillains Would Live If we've learned anything from the Austin Powers franchise, it's that all supervillains need an evil lair.
29 Old-School Photos From the 'Battle of the Network Stars' That Rival the Olympics Before we had Paris, we had the 'Battle of the Network Stars'
Watch Cars Get Wrecked Going Over a Massive Speed Bump If you like the sounds of scraping metal, then this is for you!
Fan Tries Too Hard to Fight Over Olympic Swimmer’s Goggles Jesus, man, just let the other guy have it.
Olympic Synchronized Swimming Is Trippy As Hell If you’re stoned off your gourd and looking for something to watch, this might be the thing for you.
Olympic Cameraman Zones Out and Walks Into 5,000-Meter Race Hey, uh, we’re trying to do something here!
25 Funny Parenting Tweets for Those of Us With Kids Everybody wonders why their parents were so angry all the time, until they have kids of their own.
61 Unlucky Folks Who Got Unfairly Singled Out by the Universe While we don't know if these people are actually good we can't deny that the things are very bad.
Olympic Swimmers Get Asked Whether They Pee in the Pool You won’t believe their answers! (The answer is yes).
'Less Than Impressive' - 23 Times When Architects Phoned It In either through lack of effort, creativity, or skill, these architects dropped the ball.
Woman’s Roomba Spreads Dog Poop All Over Her House Automatic vacuum cleaners are supposed to make your house a cleaner, more enjoyable place to live. What they are *not* supposed to do is coat your house in the putrid scent of dog shit.
The Worst Among Us: 22 Choosy Beggars and Entitled Karens Contrary to popular belief, the world does NOT revolve around you.