The booby brouhaha began on Thursday when iconic s—tposter @equine__dentist headed to Twitter with a horny throwback diagram depicting the very buxom shape of a 2019 polar vortex.
Though 'Bachelor in Paradise' contestant Sam Jeffries may have not left Paradise with a ring, she most definitely left with a baby — more specifically, a “poop baby.”
Though Sir Mix-a-Lot’s anaconda may not want none unless you got buns, hun, we’ve recently decided that our anaconda don’t … period, especially after watching this viral video detailing just how large and scary these reptiles can be.
Wondering the difference between a satchel and a purse? You probably will never get your a— beat by an angry Russian army veteran for calling his purse a satchel, a crucial distinction a group of taunting dudebros recently learned the hard way.