We’ve Just Witnessed the First Ever Flop on a Free Throw If you’re a basketball player, you’ve gotta have free throws in your back pocket.
11 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Spies It turns out that celebrities, while hardly under the radar, and quite adept at using their fame to get away with espionage.
Woman Is Surprisingly Coherent After Bare Knuckle Boxing Match For having just been repeatedly punched in the face, she sounds great!
35 Kodachrome Photos to Make You Nostalgic For When the World Wasn't All Digital One of the problems with the past is that we so rarely get to see it in color.
28 People Who Got High On the Job Scroll through, enjoy, and don’t take any of these people as role models.
Dude Rates Garbage Trucks Based on How Good They Are At Picking Up His Trash Everything is automated these days.
20 Photos from a 1978 Wisconsin Summer Cabin Rager "No one puts a cigarette down for any reason in the '70's."
Shoe Salesmen Explain How Far They Have to Go to Stop Bots If you’ve tried to buy a concert ticket in the past few years, you know just how bad the bot problem has become.
25 Shocking Pics of Vintage Electric Chairs Electric chairs are still insane, horrifying objects today, but back when they were still finding their legs, these things looked like dining chairs that even the devil would think were too scary.
35 Sailor Tattoos That Put Hipsters to Shame Tattoos have been mainstream for decades at this point, but that wasn't always the case.
Kid’s First Motorbike Ride Is Also His First Motorbike Crash As a parent, it can be difficult to say no to your kid, especially when it’s something they seem to be passionate about.
The 40 Funniest Tweets of the Week It was an eventful week, and we’re thankful to remember all the weird news via what a bunch of weird people on Twitter mindlessly posted.
The New Buddhist ‘Lama’ Is a Minnesotan Teen Who Seems Chill AF From high school football direct to the monastery.
35 More Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1975 While the United States was chaotically pulling out of Vietnam, Elton John was rocking LA.
Russian Workers Try to Block Road, But Drivers Don’t Give a Damn If you weren’t convinced by the dash cam videos, maybe this will finally prove that Russian drivers are built different.