45 Funny Pics from a Recent Safari to Walmart Americans are looked at by the rest of the world as a little off.
This Might Be The Laziest Insurance Fraud Attempt of All Time Ladies and gentlemen, we have another one.
21 Behind-The-Scenes Pics of the Original ‘Top Gun’ "It's not your flying, it's not your attitude, it's these sick photos."
Man Rips a Bunch of License Plates in Half, Which is Somehow a World Record So *that’s* why no one has license plates anymore.
30 Fresh Randoms to Put the Day on Pause Some engaging pics and memes to help you get through daylight savings.
24 Dating Memes to Keep Your Lonely Self Company If your love life is a disaster, these memes are your new best friends. Buckle up and dive in!
Woman Walks in Front of Train, Gets Hit, But Walks Away Just Fine Look both ways before crossing the tracks!
The 20 Most Painful Facepalms of the Day As a society, we are entering our most facepalmable era to date. But if you enjoy chaos like us, that could be a good thing.
20 People Share Their Spiciest 'Dirty Little Secret' Some people feel more comfortable sharing their deepest darkest secrets to millions of anonymous viewers on the internet than they do to one single person in their lives.
Bears Are Breaking Into Cars and Stealing Bags If you thought your parked car was safe outside of San Francisco, think again.
Ugandan Parliament Breaks Out in All-Out Brawl If you think our politics are unhinged, all you need to do is look around the globe.
36 Randoms Photos to Kill Some Time Start your week off on the right side of the internet with a fresh batch of randoms that even Monday morning can't keep down.
Modded ‘Red Dead Redemption’ Turns Up Vehicle Speed by 1,000 Percent This improves literally every game.