27 Vintage Pics of Rat Catchers Showing Off Their Hunts Back in the day, Rat Catcher used to be a job you could apply for.
Every Single Go-Kart Misses Turn, Goes Sliding You’d think at least *one* of them would know how to handle this.
35 Deep Sea Creatures That Look Like Alien Motherships We have found real, genuine photos of what we can only assume is a massive, multi-species alien battalion in space.
These Videos May Convince You That Your Dog Is a Skinwalker Dogs are commonly known as man’s best friend, but that friendship can be called into question when your canine companion shows signs of being a shapeshifting witch known as a skinwalker.
20 People Share the Most Disturbing Thing Their Company Does We all know that corporations care more about their profit margins than any of us, but how low are they willing to stoop?
22 Einsteins Living Life on Hard Mode A little critical thought and some common sense would go a long way.
Man Blows Up a Lawn Mower and Sends It Into Orbit Dudes will look at this and say “hell yeah” — and they’re right.
These Are the 10 Safest (And 10 Most Dangerous) States to Live in During an Alien Invasion Where is the safest state if the mothership comes for interplanetary domination?
Congrats to This Man for Making the World’s Largest GPS Dick and Balls I don’t know if you’ve seen the news today, but something unbelievable happened.
32 Government Bases That Look Like Evil Lairs These places are the real-life dwellings of Bond villains.
Dude Filming Explosion Almost Gets Wrecked By It Mad respect for hanging in there long enough to film the thing!
25 People Having the Absolute Worst Days It's important to remember that things could always be worse.
The Story of the Failed British Robot Maid, Tinker Back in the 1960s, it seemed like everything was pointing towards a sci-fi future being right around the corner.
Moron TikTokers Claim They’ve Learned How to Summon Squirrels If you ever wanted to be Snow White, now’s your chance.