Well that didn’t go as planned.

The past few years have seen a rise in provocative protest movements. While the intentions of these might be good, they haven’t really resulted in anything tangible besides pissing people off and getting a few Congressmen to wear kente cloths for a week.

Of course, their heart is in the right place, and they’re not necessarily wrong — human rights are important, we should stop using oil, yadda yadda yadda. But people can get sick of dramatic protester antics pretty fast, and when they do, the response is swift.

For example, these protesters tried to block off a road by gluing themselves to it. The cops’ response? Well, just rip off the glue — and the skin on their hands in the process.

Activistas climáticos se pegan la mano en el asfalto en señal de protesta en Francia y un policía resuelve el problema rápidamente.
byu/Al2Torr3 inallinspanish