Just last week, we were led to believe the elusive clit resided in Romania. “We finally found it!” Redditor after Redditor exclaimed with endless amounts of pleasure. But now, new/old evidence has surfaced pointing to a recreation area on the Emerald Isle instead.

As with the town of Clit, Romania, it’s an annual tradition for one particular Irish location referencing the highly sought-after pleasure center to pop back up on social media. Except this time, its name isn’t technically that of the clit. Dubbed “The Cut,” the forest recreation area found in the Slieve Bloom Mountains bears a misleading sign — a slight gap between how the “U” forms makes it look a lot more like an “L” and an “I.” Therefore, rather than C-U-T, it reads as “C-L-I-T.”

Ah sure, it's Friday at (ahem...'The Cut') recreation park in the Slieve Bloom mountains
by inireland

No matter the year or whether it’s the Romanian Clit or Irish Clit we’re talking about, though, the jokes remain the same. “Why is there a sign for a fictional place,” asked one Redditor around five years ago, when the photo was posted in r/CrappyDesign. “They only found the entrance,” quipped another user. Three years later, the same debate ensued in r/Ireland. “Lads, he’s actually found it,” reads the first comment, to which another thankful Redditor quickly added: “Been looking all over.”

It’s crazy, maybe the Clit isn’t so hard to find after all.