Though seeing yourself as less-than-cute may seemingly hinder your dating escapades, such does not have to be the case. Last month, model Tiff Baira took to TikTok to offer her more than 224,000 followers some advice – and one hell of a reality check.

“It’s time for bad bitch therapy, you are not ugly,” she quipped. “Whether you were a bullied baddie or had an almond mom that wanted you to only eat celery sticks, I’m here to remind you that you are still a bad bitch. You’re a stunning beautiful icon and it’s time for you to stop believing that you look like Shrek’s toe.”

@tiffbaira YOU CAVIAR NEVER LET SOMEONE MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A FISH-FIL-A! #fyp #flirting #flirtinghack #datingtips #datingtiktok #flirtingtiktok #flirting101 #datingcoach ♬ Blue Blood - Heinz Kiessling

“You have to rewire your brain to believe that you’re the Mona Lisa and start stealing these men’s Visas,” she explained, noting that while women have been conditioned to think that men only want a certain kind of woman, everyone has a different type.

Once you’ve amped up your confidence, she explained, the second key to flirting is to believe that “rejection is just protection.”

“When you’re shooting your shot you’re 100% gonna get rejected but you have to remember that’s literally a higher source protecting you to find someone that will actually deserve you.”

So take it from Baira, confidence is key.