Over the past year and change, Home Depot has managed to go where no hardware store has before, evolving from every midwestern dad’s favorite Saturday errand to TikTok’s hottest IRL dating locale.
The search term “Home Depot dating” garnered more than 3.6 billion views on the platform, the concept behind this new trend is relatively self-explanatory, with women flocking to the lumber aisle as they continue their search for some, erm, high-quality wood.
According to TikTok, A new dating trend: Going to The Home Depot to meet other singles... #TikTok #FallonTonight pic.twitter.com/kMt8nJRIxF
— Catherine (@What_s_Up_You) January 27, 2023
“So I saw the video this week where a girl was like ‘I’m not downloading dating apps this year, I’m just gonna go to the Home Depot lumber section and look confused’ and I instantly thought like, ‘what Home Depot do people go to where people actually come up and help you and are helpful?’” recounted TikToker @actually.felicia in a video that has racked up more than 219,000 likes.
Despite her skepticism — one she said stemmed from a male friend often accompanying her on her Home Depot trips — she quickly realized how a walk to the lumber aisle could possibly lead to another trip down the aisle.
Upon making a solo trip to the store to pick up “one piece of wood and a pack of screws to fix our gate,” she said she was approached by several men that “were like ‘can I help you find what you’re looking for?’”
“This scenario 100% works,” she added.
Yet this success is no anomaly. Since rising to prominence a few years back, several other TikTokers claimed the unconventional method at least snagged them some numbers … or at least some flirty encounters.
Yet even with these tales of Home Depot romance, it seems not everyone has had luck snagging building materials — or husband material — at the hardware chain.
“Here I am, at Home Depot, for the third time this month, No husbands in sight. quipped TikToker @itscybersav in a clip that has amassed more than 158,000 views since hitting the platform in October 2021. “It didn’t work. Now I’m leaving Home Depot without what I needed and without a husband.”
Despite her apparent lack of Home Depot dating success and the detractions of a handful of naysayers — “ that's like a guy going to a strip club to find a wife ,” mused TikTok user @dennybenjamin0 — some commenters offered ideas on how to land a lumberjack.
“Go before 7:00 AM and you will see the real men you are looking for, because they have jobs…,” quipped @thompsondane.
“Sorry, we moves husbands to the opened box sales area, next to shovels picks and other gold digging equipment,” added @tt.is.censorship before signing off as the store.
Home Depot: For when you wanna buy pipe — and lay it too.