Take in those infamous orange shorts and low-cut white tank tops while you still can. Because Hooters, the pioneering breastaurant, is about to let out its final hoot as it prepares to file for bankruptcy, says Bloomberg.

It wasn’t hard to see this coming. Back in September, the company reportedly racked up $300 million in debt after a summer spent shutting down several locations nationwide, as the chain’s sales had been sagging for a while.

Yet, for older generations, Hooters was an adolescent rite of passage that generally coincided with their sexual awakening. “Nothing beats my mom bringing me there and me having to stare down at the table to try to fight off the lesbian tendencies at 13,” one user tweeted, reacting to the bankruptcy news.

But she was far from the only one to experience a life-altering revelation at Hooters — or even the only one to have their sexuality confirmed by all that exposed flesh. In fact, in light of Hooters financial demise, a number of people took to Twitter and Reddit to share just how meaningful all those breasts (chicken, waitress or otherwise) were for them before the whole brand went tits up.

The time I went to Hooters on my Fifth Birthday
byu/Nicktendo38 infunny

A Hooters waitress convinced me I wasn't straight.
byu/faintvoiced inPointlessStories

your parents are divorced & your dad takes you out for your birthday
byu/Sweet-Peachy15 infunnymeme