Which is best? The answer might surprise you!

One of the beautiful things about the internet is that it allows you to find answers to questions you never knew you had. How many bricks can someone break with their head? The internet has an answer. What does it look like to roller skate while doing the limbo? Again, the internet’s got you covered. Which pasta is the most fuckable? Unbelievably, yes, there’s an answer in this area, too.

This is John Kilo, who’s made a business out of fucking pretty much anything they can. While you can pay to see the creator fuck sandwiches and Taco Bell menu items, they’ve treated us to this pasta-themed content for free. Thanks! 

I fucked 6 different pastas to see which one was the most fuckable (censored but still NSFW)
byu/anarcho-stripperism in196