Minor Road Rage Escalates Into Full Street Brawl
- And caused more traffic in the process, of course.
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Dude Tries to Pass on the Shoulder, Causes Multi-Car...
- This is why you pass in the lanes.
Truck Slowly Pushes Car Into Accident
- Delivery comin’ in hot!
Driver Gets Her Pedals Mixed Up and Slams Into Cafe
- Okay, time to take the license.
Driver Gets Out of Truck While It’s Moving, Causes...
- In hindsight, this is probably more dangerous than...
Woman Steals Her Truck Back From the Impound Lot,...
- This woman is living our dreams.
No One Can Tell If Driver Got Hit or Nutted on in Clip...
- What’s the difference between getting a facial and...
Woman Comes Home From Vacation to Find Her House...
- The only thing worse than heading home after a long...
Cop Pulls Over Speeding Teens on a First Date, Minutes...
- A traffic stop ended in tragedy after two young adults...
‘She Just Won’t Stop Lying’: Lawyer’s Wife...
- Everyone has been all about supporting women’s...
Long Before the Cedar-Point Roller Coaster Accident,...
- Though riders may have boarded Cedar Point’s Magnum...
Six Times Celebs and Athletes Pooped Their Pants
- Pooping your pants is just a part of living this crazy...
A Plane Carrying Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Family Crashed...
- We almost lost another Earnhardt today.
21-Year-Old SF Woman Arrested For Manslaughter After...
- Kelsey Cambridge ran a red-light and struck two...
This Guy's Reaction Will Make You Laugh at a Poultry...
- This man came upon an accident on his way to work. He...
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