Dogs On TikTok Are Coming to Collect the 'Cheese Tax'
- Move over estate tax, sales tax and soda tax, it seems...
Media articles
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Did This Woman Just Solve the Egg Crisis? Chicken...
- It's only February and we're in the thick of the great...
Scientists Discover New Deep-Sea Creature and He's a...
- According to the Australia Museum, scientists have...
Japanese Officials Assassinate Leader of Baby-Stealing...
- The gloves are off over in Japan.
Elephant Tramples Woman, Returns to Her Funeral to...
- A 70-year-old woman living in Odisha's Mayurbhanj was...
Massive Chinese Sinkhole is Hiding a Prehistoric Forest
- An entire world beneath the Earth's surface.
Pissed-off Dolphin Drags Trainer Around Underwater at...
- It has since been confirmed that the trainer was taken...
PETA Tweet about Dog Collar Backfires Spectacularly
- Everyone's favorite animal rights organization is...
Insanely Fat Black Bear, Hank the Tank, Terrorizing...
- Hank the Tank has broken into almost 40 homes since...
Bronx Zoo Continues Tradition of Naming Cockroaches...
- There has been a long-running tradition around the...
Emotional Support Monkey of Texas Coach's Stripper GF...
- Looks like the "Pole Assassin" and her sidekick might...
Family of Raccoons Fall Through Woman's Ceiling, Make...
- Like something out of a movie, a woman came home to...
Jake Paul Held a Golf Cart Race Through a Protected...
- Because sometimes you just gotta race a golf cart...
Melting Siberian Permafrost Reveals the Most Intact...
- Amazingly the rhino is 80 percent intact and maybe...
Gamers Are Measuring PS5s with Animals to Understand...
- The PlayStation 5 is about the size of a healthy shiba...
Woman Has Entire Life Ruined after Refusing to Put Her...
- Dog leashes are there for the safety of humans too, it...
A German Zoo Said It May Feed Some Animals To Others
- Slaughter animals to feed other animals?
'Tiger King' Has a New Episode Coming Soon, Possibly...
- If nothing else, at least we've got more Joe Exotic to...
A News Reporter's Hilarious Reaction to Approaching...
- You might be seeing this guy's face for quite some...
Woman Capturing Grizzly Bear Coming Out of Hibernation...
- It took her eight years to capture this amazing moment.
K-9 AKA 'Fur Missile' Takes Out a Stalking Suspect...
- What a good boy.
Thousands of 'Penis Fish' Wash Up On a Beach in...
- Most people will go their whole lives without knowing...
This Man Took Care of an "Orphaned" 9-Foot-Tall,...
- Jim Kowalczik and his wife Susan run the Orphaned...
Eight Games That Really Pissed PETA Off
- Milking cows, birds in backpacks, and more...
10 Radical Examples Of Animals Being Bros
- 10 different animals. Cowabunga, dude.
New 'Wolfenstein 3D' Mod Lets You Pet Dogs Instead Of...
- Return to Castle Woofenstein.
Woman Arrives Home To Find Her Dog Riding A Pony
- This Corgi is majestic AF.
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