Canada Wants This Man to Be Its Top Dildo
- Like clockwork, the sign for the Canadian town of...
Media articles
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Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
Guy Gets So Mad About $10 Seat Belt Ticket That He...
- You know you’re just making this more expensive,...
Man Rides Motorcycle on Iced-Over Pond, Gets What’s...
- Really, what did you think was going to happen?
Dude in Smart Car Makes Most Pathetic Parallel Park...
- You have the smallest car imaginable and you’re...
UPS Worker Gets Fired, Films Himself Completely...
- I think it’s fairly easy to see why he got fired.
Homeless Person 'Love Bombs' Influencer Using Them for...
- Not so fun when *you’re* being used for someone...
Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
Dude Gets Refused a Loan, Completely Loses It
- Well that’s not gonna help.
An American Woman Flew to Pakistan to Meet 19-Year-Old...
- The definition of “a lot going on.”
Police Get Into Chase With Dude on Power Scooter
- And they don’t exactly win, either.
Woman Twerks So Hard the Stadium Collapses
- That takes talent.
Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist Gets Embarrassed by...
- It’s like they set out to troll her specifically.
Two Dudes Try to Bring Table on Escalator, Fail, Then...
- This went about as bad as it could go.
They Invented a Robot That Can Do Parkour
- Why? Why are we doing this?
Dude Taking a Piss in -33 Degree Weather Gets His Dick...
- It’s like getting your tongue stuck to a flagpole,...
Dudes Trying to Steal Car Get Stopped by the Whole...
- This is the kinda neighborhood you want to park in!
Everybody Cuts Ice Fishing Holes at Once, and the...
- You guys didn’t want to test how thick the ice was...
Man Demonstrates Increasingly Larger Fireworks By...
- The bigger the firework, the higher the pan goes.
Rick Ross Is Convinced He’s Being Followed By...
- Do they exist? Yes. Are they spying on Rick Ross?...
John Cena’s Dad Went to a Chinese Restaurant and...
- What a stupid, delightful bit.
Car Rolls Backwards Off Hill and Onto Other Cars
- Good luck scraping the tire tracks off your roof!
People Trying to Buy Weed Accidentally Go to Canada,...
- When you hit the border, don’t mention that you were...
Thief Gets Interviewed Mid-Robbery
- He offers a unique, first-person perspective.
Chinese Police Use Hurricanranas to Apprehend Suspects
- What’s going on over there?
Dad Uses His Child as the Scraper to Get the Snow Off...
- If it works, it works.
With the Upcoming Ban, TikTokers Are Now Just Using an...
- Checkmate, U.S. Government.
Man Listening to 'You Gonna Die' Song Crashes His Car
- At least he didn’t die.
Old Dude Loses It After Kids Catch Puck Instead of Him
- Some people get old, but never grow up.
Vintage Video Shows People Arguing Against...
- No drinking and driving *and* you have to wear a...
The ‘I Trust My Wife’ Challenge Involves a Lot of...
- I would simply not participate in the challenge where...
Kid Tries and Fails to Convince Dad That Video Is...
- Get ready to have this experience a lot over the next...
Man Calmly Explains How He Has No Problem With Gay...
- He’s the biggest ally possible.
Woman Tries to Road Rage, But the Other Car Doesn’t...
- It just feels so pathetic when the other person...
Dude Fights to Keep Hot Dog on the Roller
- And he’s not exactly winning.
Bear Gets Told to GTFO by Two Angry Pigs
- They told him who was really boss.
Driver Narrowly Avoids Becoming a Pancake
- Well, that was close.
Motorcycle Crashes Directly Into Food Cart
- These delivery drivers get more aggressive by the day!
Woman Who Assaulted Chipotle Worker and Made Her Own...
- Personally, I’m not convinced.
Man Spits on Ground, Then Slips on His Own Loogie
- Watch where you’re spitting/going next time!
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