Sometimes, people need to move rhinos. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea. Regardless of the reason, it must be done — and so, processes have been put into place to best carry these beasts from one location to another.

After years of trying to figure out the best method for doing so, scientists have come up with one tactic in particular to move the creatures. It also looks pretty fucking stupid.

In the video, you can see a rhino that’s been flipped upside, tied by its feet, then whisked away via helicopter. Gotta be a confusing day for the rhino!

Unbelievably, this is standard practice, and there are numerous videos of other rhinos being transported in a similar manner.

“For a number of years, African rhinos have been translocated by hanging them upside-down suspended from a helicopter, blindfolded and under tranquilisation,” reads a piece in The Conversation. “As well as enabling the capture and short-distance transfer of rhinos from areas inaccessible by road, transport by helicopter can mean shorter journey times, so it can be preferable for the rhino where it’s practical to do so.”

It also doesn’t hurt them physically — though, let’s be honest, it’s probably a bit embarrassing for them.