Wisconsin Tiff, a 35-year-old single mom from — you guessed it — Wisconsin, has made a name for herself making adult content with seniors. But she didn’t start out in the industry by fucking octogenarians. Her career as an adult performer began via SFW TikTok and Instagram and eventually transitioned to OnlyFans in 2021. Two years later, Tiff had grown a fanbase, but one that was still relatively small. So to gain more visibility, she accepted a gig as a fluffer at a 100-person gangbang. This is her story…
My first time being a fluffer was at the production for Rebel Rhyder’s Epic Gangbang with 7 Fluffers: 102 Went Through in June 2023.
I had never done anything like it before. I knew what the job was — to get the men hard and excited for their turn in the gangbang with Rebel — but I didn’t know the logistics. Like, how many seconds do you spend on each man? And what I was really supposed to be doing there? My job was to keep them entertained, but I didn’t want to make them explode. I had to get them excited just enough so they’d be able to perform for Rebel.
When I got to the set, there were so many guys it was overwhelming. To give you an idea, the production team had to rent a ballroom that would typically host wedding receptions because they couldn’t find a place to fit that many people. Rebel was on a massage table in the middle of the room, and there were dozens of naked guys, standing around in lines, filling out consent forms. I’d never seen so many different dicks at the same time.
But the one thing that really stood out to me was that there was plastic taped on the floor — so there would be no messes left behind. It looked like a scene from Dexter.
A lot of the performers in the gangbang were just regular guys — carpenters, janitors, etc. — not professional porn stars. There were a few men who were public figures, too, and since they didn’t want to show their faces, they wore black masks and sunglasses the whole time. All of the guys were volunteers; they weren’t getting paid for any of this.
Tad Pole, the producer overseeing the gangbang who had invited me, was going over the rules with the guys after they signed their consent forms. He also made it clear to them who the fluffers were — there were seven of us in all. “This isn’t a honeymoon,” he told them. “This is a gangbang. So if I feel like you’re spending too much time with a fluffer, I’m going to be saying something. We need to get you guys in and out.”
Then we just started fluffing.
* * * * *
Nowadays, fluffing isn’t really common: Production teams used to hire fluffers back before Viagra was readily available to keep the men excited. Because of the way mainstream adult film shoots are done today, it isn’t a very cost-effective endeavor. Instead, the guys need to be ready to go when they show up.
Tad Pole sought out fluffers for this because there were 100 guys, and he wasn’t sure how many of them would be able to perform, since they weren’t in the industry. Plus, he wanted fluffers in the actual film to add to the overall aesthetic of the gangbang.
In the ballroom, there were guys all around me, and I’d just start talking and trying to form a connection with them. “Hi, how are you?” I’d say. But the whole time, I was thinking, This is the craziest, weirdest thing I’ve ever done. I’m fluffing dicks at a 100-guy-gangbang in a ballroom.
At one point, I asked one guy how old he was. “Fifty-six,” he replied. “56?!” I said. “That’s crazy!” And then I just started sucking his dick.
Between fluffing one guy and the next, I didn’t really do a lot of talking with the other fluffers. You’d think we’d chat the same way I chatted with the men, but we were all in our own world.
They had blow-up beds so we could sit, and cushions so we could also be on our knees on the ground. The guys, who were laying around, would alternate between us. They would try different girls, and when they were ready, they would hurry over to Rebel.
When I was fluffing someone up, I would just do it enough to tease them and get them excited, but a lot of them were nervous — and some of them had a really hard time getting hard.
I was there for about six hours, and like the guys, I wasn’t getting paid for this. I saw it as an opportunity to get my face out there and to get more experience. I got the chance to get to know different guys, and I could network with the other fluffers. Plus, I’d get the “fluffer” title; people always wonder what that is, so it attracts attention, too.
But obviously, there are some downsides to the job. For me, the worst part of being a fluffer is not knowing if the guys are going to be fully washed. When I meet them, I’m always thinking, Please, please, please, wash your butt. Don’t just rinse! Wash that thing.
At Rebel’s gangbang, there was one guy that stunk — but not in that way. He had a really stinky breath, and that's my biggest “thing.” In fact, I cannot kiss during a gangbang I’m performing in unless the guys are super fucking hot. If I’m just fluffing, I can’t kiss a bunch of guys who may or may not have brushed their teeth. And I felt like this particular man with the bad breath didn’t shower often, which led me to worry about whether he had an STI.
What if he has chlamydia? I panicked. But I quickly told myself that wasn’t possible. In general, I’ve never really worried about STIs — the testing required is pretty extensive. All of us do the swabs for chlamydia and gonorrhea, including rectal and throat swabs, because you can actually have it in your throat and in your butt — even if you don’t do anal — and not even know it. We also get tested for Mycoplasma genitalium, or “M. gen,” another common STI.
Once they were done filming, Tad Pole told the guys that they could stick around and do a gangbang with any fluffer who was open to the idea. I made myself available right away. I went over to this airbed and a bunch of guys followed me. There were so many — maybe 30 of them — and luckily this impromptu endeavor was recorded by Tad Pole’s production team. It’s still on my ManyVids.
Looking back now, I wish I had guys sign consent forms for filming fluffer content. I only posted free clips of it on Twitter without their faces, and honestly, I didn’t think anybody would want to buy a fluffing video. But I was wrong — a lot of people did.
Guys would reach out and ask, “Can you be my fluffer?” I was shocked.
Really? You wish I was your fluffer? I wondered. Do you realize you’re not going to have a happy ending with me?