While we may be spending our Tuesday mornings grappling with post-eclipse blues, heading back to work, stashing our glasses for 2044 and if you’re this guy, making an emergency optometrist appointment, the Bible-thumping Christians who heralded yesterday as the rapture have something else on their to-do list: Posting on Reddit like nothing ever happened.
Jesus is coming. The Rapture of the church in which the Lord comes for His people can happen at any moment. Just be ready for that. It can happen today, tomorrow, or even ten years from now—we don’t know, “. . .no one knows the day or hour. . .” (Matthew 24:36 NLT).… pic.twitter.com/qGCovJVjWS
— Greg Laurie (@greglaurie) April 8, 2024
In the hours following the eclipse — one that miraculously did not manage to open a portal to hell or serve as the fourth horseman of the apocalypse — u/Veritas_McGroot headed to r/Christianity with a question for those convinced the world would end during the celestial ordeal: Now what?
“So, the eclipse passed, nothing happened,” they began their post. “ I'm wondering if you know someone or about someone who believed there would be a rapture. How are the[y] feeling? What are they saying?”
Despite the drama of it all, the fire-and-brimstone-tinged posts and promises that the end was imminent, the answer appeared to be a whole lot of nothing.
FUN FACT: Evangelicals were disappointed that the eclipse wasn't THE RAPTURE; while everyone else was disappointed the evangelicals weren't taken away.
— Jeras Ikehorn (@JerasIkehorn) April 9, 2024
“Letting another date to be disappointed over,” joked u/Appropriate_Boat1042.
“My mom kind of gets taken in by these rapture theories, but I wouldn't call her a true believer. She was just glad her kids and grandkids were OK,” explained u/unmofoloco, while u/key_lime_pie whipped out a quote from Christianity Today’s Editor-in-Chief, Russell Moore.
"These folks just moved on with the next confident assertions, as though the last never happened at all,’” they recounted.
But this lack of introspection isn’t all doom and gloom. Just ask service workers like u/saturnplanetpowerrr who managed to cash in on believers convinced they were about to get a one-way ticket to heaven.
“As a waitress who worked a brunch shift, I appreciate the people who tipped well [because] they thought it was happening and woke up like ‘today's the daaayy! The sun is shining! The tank is clean! The tank is clean,’” they wrote.
But hey, even though they were wrong about the eclipse, there’s always hope that the rapture is nigh. April 23 is right around the corner.
I can only do like one Rapture a month thank you very much pic.twitter.com/rKBhReQlSE
— Scott Barber (@thescottbarber) April 9, 2024