Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist Gets Embarrassed by...
- It’s like they set out to troll her specifically.
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18 Things That Finally Convinced Flat Earthers They've...
- Let's get real: there is nobody quite as stupid as a...
'Slap Was a Cover?': Conspiracy Theorists Convinced...
- Jada Pinkett Smith — actress, August entangler, the...
'That a 666': People Think the Threads Logo Is...
- Though Threads, Meta’s new Twitter competitor may...
48 Pics That Are Oddly Specific
- There's a just too much information here.
This Facebook Group Thinks Mountains Are Actually...
- According to the pseudo-archaeology conspiracy...
Buzz Aldrin Deletes Moon Pics from Twitter After All...
- Buzz Aldrin, the American astronaut who made history...
15 Utterly Insane Disney Fan Theories for Warped Minds
- We're all aware just how passionate and overzealous...
19 Photos That May Play Tricks on Your Eyes
- You may have to take a second look.
The President of Mexico Is Convinced He Spotted a...
- Mexico’s president — he’s just us … if us here...
22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
23 Crazies From the Realm of Facebook
- The place with more loonies than anywhere else!
Jackie Kennedy Looks Like She Ate Sheet Metal
- Gen Z thinks the former first lady looked feral, and...
CERN is Being Turned On At "Unprecedented Levels"
- The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)...
25 Normal Things That Look SUS At Night
- These ordinary things people do during the day look...
24 Guys Who Aren’t Really That Tough
- Might they be compensating for something?
32 Stupid Things People Have Called Satanic
- Look for the Devil and you will find him
Conspiracy Theorists Actually Think the Will Smith...
- While most people were shocked that Smith would even...
Frito-Lays Employee Debunks Viral TikTok About How...
- The TikToker who posted the original video claimed...
35 Conspiracy Theories People Feel Must Be True
- These may make you think.
15 MoonPie Tweets That Perfectly Describe Famous...
- It might just be a crazy coincidence or we may have...
South African Pastor Tricked Congregation into...
- This man's cheeks are blessed.
Influencers Got Caught Fake Flying On Private Jets
- It's not news that the world of social media inlfuence...
Young Man High on The Marijuana Kills Entire Family -...
- Weed is no joke. It kills.
Gamer Responds to Women Saying Video Games Lead to Bad...
- "If I think of the top ten best d***s I've ever had,...
The Dean Browning 'Gay Black Guy' Twitter Fiasco...
- Dean Browning the former Leigh County Commissioner...
People Are Visiting Trump's 'Four Seasons' Debacle in...
- Relive the humiliation of losing the election whenever...
Urbexer Discovers Fully Working Server Room in USSR...
- Something weird is going on there. Why is the server...
30 Parents Messing up Their Kids for Life
- Some parents maybe went too far.
Twitter Ignites With More Fake Melania Hysteria
- No that is not a Melania trump body-double you weirdos.
17 People Whose Ages Will Confuse You
- You might need to see their birth certificate.
24 Comedy Gems Found on Twitter
- These go down like a warm glass of milk.
50 American Urban Legends, One from Each State
- As if this country weren't already scary enough, lets...
Donald Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19 and Twitter...
- We'll be hearing these jokes for the rest of the year.
Guy Discovered a Hidden Airstrip in 'Microsoft Flight...
- This game really is just like real life!
GOPers and Libs Blowing up over U.S. TikTok Ban...
- It's finally happening, or not, IDK.
Detective Stops Live Interview to Tackle a Pervert on...
- An Australian police officer in the state of...
Nut Job Living in His Grandma's Basement Gives...
- Just trying to help you guys out.
John McAfee Wants Coronavirus So Badly It Hurts
- He's down to get coughed on by anyone.
Alex Jones Has Zero Patience for the Mask Police
- Glad to see he's doing just as well as ever.
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