30 Bad Life Hacks That Wont Work
- You might have a bad time with these.
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Boats and Jet Ski's Catch Some Major Air off a Huge...
- A massive wave takes some boats and jet skiiers on a...
The Internet's BIGGEST FAILURES - December 2020 (Part...
- With the holiday season among us and this complete...
20 "Like a Boss Moments" Caught on Camera
- Amazing people doing amazing things.
33 Chill Dudes Showing off Their Inner Talents
- Give these folks a socially distanced high five or...
Detroit Driver Arrested After Successfully Jumping...
- An impatient driver decided he wasn't going to wait...
Runaway Wino Siphoning Wine from a Moving Truck Is...
- Wine moms can also be thirsty dudes in their underwear.
63 of the Surrealist and Weirdest Memes to Confuse...
- These aren't meant to be funny, they are meant to be...
Eric Andre Throws Helpless Intern Into Desk and Scares...
- Perhaps Eric Andre's best interview of all time.
A Boy Who Thinks He is a Vampire Is Jerry Springer's...
- Usually if a coffin is involved it's gonna be a wild...
Dude's Homemade Flamethrower is the Best Way to Remove...
- Who wouldn't want a flamethrower?
39 Times Someone Couldn't Quite Pull It Off
- If it wasn't for bad luck, some people would have no...
Lady Getting Her Car Repoed Absolutely Loses Her Sh*t
- A lady getting her car repossessed from her apartment...
Watch a Near-Indestructible Alien-Like Creature Enjoy...
- Pull your pants up, it's science time. A scientist was...
33 Terrified Roller Coaster Riders That'll Give You a...
- People freaking out on a roller coaster is always a...
Couple Brawls Because a Rap Song Went Too Hard
- Cassonova's "Set Trippin'" set this couple off.
Perfect English Gentleman Keeps Calm During Road Rage...
- This other dude needs to chill.
Lion Savagely Attacks Man, Then Drags Him Out of Sight
- Lion attacks and drags a man by his neck at a Limpopo...
Lady Thought She Could Handle the Ride, Freaks the...
- Irish national soccer player @MeganConnolly4 Decided...
Girl's Piercing Hole Erupts When Nose Ring is Removed
- And she's just as surprised as you. (Squeamish...
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