Woman Dumps Boyfriend After He Left Her Stranded On...
- When influencer Jess Jacobsen recently sat down to...
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36 Questionable Things That That Made Us 'Hold Up a...
- Pics, memes, and stories that took a bizarre turn out...
24 Trending Tweets From the Weekend That You May Have...
- Sadly the weekend is over but a perfect way to numb...
18 Cringe Filled Pics That Made Us Wince
- Maybe don't take life advice from this bunch.
Buddy the Elf Impersonator Accidentally Smashes Window
- It’s December, so you know what that means —...
18 Silly Tweets and Memes For Exquisite Minds
- Alright you silly geese, it's Monday and Monday is for...
Monday Morning Randomness: 35 Fresh Pics, Memes, and...
- Get your mind right for Monday with this stellar batch...
Little Girl Loves Jesus So Much She Throws a Jesus...
- Anyone who has been a small child or been around one...
22 of the Funny and Wild Headlines that Show the World...
- It’s been a deliciously weird week and we have...
Homophobic Chihuahua Disgusted By the Sight of Two...
- Move aside Whitney Chewston, there’s a new...
Sunday Randoms: 31 Pics Memes and Tweets to Fight the...
- Just because you have to go back to work tomorrow,...
Ice Cream Bandit Exacts Revenge After Being Told He...
- Who is the ice cream bandit terrorizing this...
25 of the Funniest Tweets of the Week
- This was one of the best weeks for Twitter in a long,...
29 of The Absolute Worst Life Hacks People Shared
- Never do this stuff.
‘It Was a Prank!’: Ohio Attorney Suspended After...
- Pranks sure are fun, aren’t they?
Woman Suing Chop’t After Claiming Salad Contained...
- On a recent trip to Chop’t, one woman is claiming...
24 Customers Who Made Really Weird Requests
- Ask anybody in the service industry, and they'll tell...
21 Funny Fails and Facepalms Full of Foolishness
- Some funny Friday facepalms and fails.
'This B—h Is Trippin!': Woman Tries to Flee Crash...
- One woman decided that she wasn’t going to let her...
Santa Arrested for DUI After Driving Kids’ Train on...
- Christmas time is almost here, and we all know what...
22 Times When The Universe Unfairly Singled Someone Out
- Life is unpredictable and these unfortunate souls...
'He’s My Hero': Man Chops Down No Turn on Red Sign...
- “Right turn on red” is an American innovation that...
20 Wholesome Memes to Bundle Up With
- This round-up appreciates the little things in life,...
Woman Finds Out Her Boyfriend’s ‘Apartment’ Is...
- The tide appears to be turning against Airbnb.
32 Stange in Unique Discoveries People Made
- You never know what you might find.
- Someone needs to perform a wellness check on the...
Tech Conference Canceled After It Was Revealed Almost...
- Well, the organizers of a recent tech conference seem...
Management Refuses to Pay for Repairs On Employee’s...
- When a company demands an employee use his personal...
'White Women Are Never Beating the Allegations': Why...
- Though men are typically associated with the...
31 Late Night Memes to Help You Burn the Candle at...
- If you have the night owl urge to stay up late, try...
Cyclist Attacked By Bull
- Though one cyclist may have entered the Bianchi Rock...
Chinese Smart Toilet Explodes While Man Is Dropping a...
- Every device is “smart” these days.
'They're Making People Think We're Nerds': 10-Year-Old...
- This movement, propelled in part by Cottlel’s...
32 Radical Randoms with No Relevance Required
- Cruise on through the day with a big batch o' randoms.
'Sovereign Citizen' Refuses to Comply With Border...
- When it comes to all the different types of people...
TGIF: 21 Work Memes to Laugh at On Your Break
- Congrats you have survived the work week!
Diva Down: Memes and Reactions to George Santos’...
- Diva-mocracy dies in darkness … and now, in the...
23 Cringe Pics and Full-on Facepalms for Your Viewing...
- Some crazy pics to help you stay up with the crazy...
Woman Tries to Expose Postal Worker Refusing to Serve...
- “You’re acting outside the box, I don’t know,...
34 Fresh Trending Memes and Silly Tweets
- Here are the internet's most popular funnies from the...
eBaum's Picks