19 Super Relatable Memes for Anyone Who's Ever Dated a...
- If you're a gamer just pretend this is a couples...
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Woman Slashes Her Sister’s Tires and Smashes Her...
- One woman took the chorus of Carrie Underwood’s...
Cokehead Weighs In On Viral Taylor Swift Booger Pic...
- The Twitter aggregator account, Rap World posted an...
Monkey Monday: Nothing But Monkey Business
- There’s a reason we have numerous phrases about...
'Film Me, I’m Instagram Famous You Bum’: Woman...
- One Instagram influencer learned that IG clout...
30 Nostalgic Memes for Millennials and Gen X Gamers
- Gaming memes that are a blast from the past.
Monday Morning Randomness - 41 Darn Fine Randoms to...
- Start the new week off with a batch of random pics and...
Bald Dad Tries to Hide Plunger That Got Stuck to His...
- Recently, one man tried to use his chrome dome to do a...
Suspicious Woman Installs Hidden Camera and Catches...
- The best ticket to free rent is catching your landlord...
Influencer Gets Heavy Hate for Her ‘Love Surge’...
- Everyone shows affection differently, and sometimes,...
‘No Decks, No Problem’: DJ Caught Faking Set At...
- DJs tend to get a bad rap. Earlier this year, in fact,...
Guy Can’t Comprehend That His Girlfriend Thinks He...
- Some people have real problems — they’re broke,...
‘New Poor vs Old Poor’ Is 21st Century America’s...
- Unfortunately, the pandemic resulted in a lot of...
Former Tampa Police Chief Thinks Officer Status...
- A late-night Greek food run turned into a masterclass...
Random Dude Has Been Pretending to Be in a ‘Toxic...
- Some people have incredibly rich and complex inner...
'They Just Like Fingering Their Dirty Donut': Guy...
- Some people fold toilet paper. Others scrunch it up...
Where Are They Now, Forex Trader Edition
- If you’ve lost a friend or two to Forex trading,...
Dude Gets Flattened After Thinking He Can Go Up...
- Us guys can get a little cocky. No matter how many...
35 Wild TikTok Screenshots That Will Make You Log Off
- A collection of images that will make you log off for...
‘Your Girl Is Cheating on You’: Annoyed Starbucks...
- As the internet once again debates whether airing...
33 of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week September 14,...
- It's been a fantastic year to be a gamer.
Hairstylist Issues PSA After One Of Her Clients Was...
- The hair salon/barber is a great place for self-care.
Drag Queen Crab Walking on a Bar Top Eats It Hard
- Being a drag queen takes a surprising amount of...
Dude Gets Instant Karma and a Beating After Stalking...
- A Walmart shopper recently came away from his trip to...
24 Fails and Facepalms For the Hall Of Shame
- In a week that featured governmental alien reveals and...
Man Asks Social Media to Help Save His Struggling...
- Social media can be a godsend for struggling small...
‘She Just Won’t Stop Lying’: Lawyer’s Wife...
- Everyone has been all about supporting women’s...
30 Trashy Fashion Choices For the Dirtbag Runway
- High fashion runway styles can be utterly ridiculous,...
Alleged Whistleblower Claims UFOs Are Unmanned Drones...
- A surprising amount of military secrets have been...
‘Single and Available’: Woman Is Dropping Hard...
- Meeting potential romantic partners can be tough,...
‘Why Shouldn’t We Pave the Atlantic?’: Twitter...
- If you’re old, you might remember a Usenet group...
No One Works Harder Than the Guy Who Checks Kim Jong...
- Every international meeting of the minds requires one...
Twitter Highlight: 26 of the Funniest Tweets of the...
- This week was weird.
Mechanic Refuses to Service the Most Disgusting Car...
- Everyone has their limits and a roach practically tap...
42 of the Most Absurd Examples of Video Game Logic
- Oh, there is a stick in my path? I'll go around.
'I'll Come Grab You Up Back There': Pro Boxer Adrien...
- Boxer Adrien Broner discovered that the age-old rule...
'Tase Me, I Like It Kinky': Drunk Woman Tries to...
- A drunk driver tried to turn a hit-and-run into a hit...
Hasan Minhaj Accused of Fabricating Joke About His...
- As most comics can tell you, the keys to stand up are...
18 NPCs Straight Out of 'The Elder Scrolls IV:...
- Have you ever felt like you’re the main character of...
Let This Massive Trash Fire In Boston Be Your Good...
- It’s Friday, motherf—kers!
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