Video from 2014 Shows What True Community Policing...
- A team in the Houston Police Department is trying...
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42 Pics and Memes to Ensure Your Complete and Total...
- The most fun you can have with just your brain.
Taco Bell Has PR Nightmare after Firing Employee for...
- If #RIPTacoBell is trending does that mean they're...
What You'll See at a 7-Eleven at 3 in the Morning...
- The Cop's expression says it all.
Cop Puts on Oscar–Worthy Performance in McDonald's...
- She felt personally attacked because the McDonald's...
20 Things That Are Mildly Infuriating
- This stuff might drive you up a wall.
19 Photos of Food Cringe to Whet Your Appetite
- Welcome to Guy Fieri's secret cookbook.
24 People Who Quickly Had Their Day Ruined
- Too bad life doesn't have a reset button.
35 Abandoned Things That Look Cool
- Hopefully we all look this good when we're old and...
40 More Fun Facts to Cram in Your Cranium
- Come learn things you never knew you never knew.
Undercover Cops Pulled Over By Man Impersonating a Cop
- Two State Troopers got a surprise while they were...
28 People Who Thought They Were Real Clever on...
- They couldn't handle reality.
Watch as Cops Take the Bait in this "We Have Coke"...
- "Officer we have some coke in our trunk..." The boys...
20 Funny Summer 2020 Memes
- This is so relatable it hurts.
Comedian Imagines What Some Police Training Must Be...
- This one sketch is better than anything "SNL" put out...
31 Remarkable Images to Abolish Boredom
- A picture dump to trump them all.
Video of Alleged Terrorists in Netherlands Getting...
- An undercover operation catches a group of terrorists...
Trump's Newest Birthday Ad Is a Low-Budget Masterpiece
- Star wipes, vague details, and a drunk guy pretending...
Dunking Aluminum Can in Drain Cleaner Reveals Plastic...
- Do all soda cans have this weird little plastic bag on...
Former Cop Breaks down the Real Problems with Policing...
- This account has yet to be verified but the details...
British Cop Tricked into Falling into Water Is an...
- A cop chase straight out of Benny Hill. Only thing...
26 People Being Real Jerks
- The people here all deserve massive wedgies.
TikTok and Cops Do Not Mix Well Together...Ever (2...
- These self-owns are almost more damaging than anything...
Bitter Woman Celebrates Husband's Death by Dumping His...
- She truly did him dirty.
11 Crazy Heists Stories Straight out of Ocean's 11
- Some amazing tales of people pulling off some...
Dan Bilzerian Gets Roasted Trying to Crowdsource Title...
- Paying $5,000 to get insulted just makes financial...
28 Awesome Things People Encountered
- You don't see these every day, or maybe ever.
25 of the Funniest Work Memes Ever
- A booster pack of work memes to get you through...
20 Shower Thoughts to Make You Squint
- Something to puzzle over the next time you're peeing...
Kid's "Knowledge Scooping" Hack Makes Reading Obsolete
- And here I was thinking I had to read all those words...
27 Pics to Help Scratch That Nostalgic Itch
- Take a scroll down memory lane.
34 Pics We Couldn't Explain Even If We Tried
- On second thought, it's probably better not to...
Little Girl Gets Bullied by Cyclist Dork for Posting...
- This guy is currently wanted by local police for being...
Miami PD's Elite Bike Squad Video Became the Laughing...
- These officers are the elite of the elite”. A look...
Graceful Swan Face Plants and Nearly Dies in Epic Pool...
- When the bail is more impressive than the make.
22 Iconic Roles That Were Almost Played by Different...
- These movies would have turned out way differently.
23 Funny Design Fails to Restore Your Faith in Humanity
- Someone may have gotten fired for these right here.
30 Backhanded Compliments That Sent People to an Early...
- Don't kill them with kindness. Break them with passive...
Bro Gives Thumbs up to Protesters and Gets a Rock...
- Now is not the time for beer pong, dude.
23 Funny Relatable Memes for Anyone in a Relationship
- Relationship struggles are all too real.
eBaum's Picks