10 Jaw-dropping Sexual Anomalies To Peak Your Interest
Mizuka Ishiwatari
The human body is capable of many things and these unusual and rare conditions that really do exist.
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Woman with three breasts has a condition called polymastia -
Sexsomnia is a (legitimate) medical disorder that causes you to perform sex acts during your sleep, fully unaware of doing so. You might walk out of your house, surprise your boyfriend/girlfriend, and then won't remember the wild night you've spent together, the next day. -
Hazel Jones has a condition called Uterus Didelphys, which affects 1 in 3000 women. Uterus didelphys is a condition where a woman has two separate uterus. There is a double uterus with two separate cervices, and possibly a double vagina as well. -
Hazel Jones lost her virginity twice, because she was born with 2 vaginas. A condition called uterus didelphys affects 1 in 3000 women. -
About 0.6 percent of men have a condition called micropenis, defined as having an erect penis less than 2 inches. The condition is usually self-diagnosed and though treatment may help the condition cannot be cured. Fewer than 200,000 cases exist in the US yearly and the condition is chronic. -
About 0.6 percent of men have a condition called micropenis, defined as having an erect penis less than 2 inches. The condition is usually self-diagnosed and though treatment may help the condition cannot be cured. Fewer than 200,000 cases exist in the US yearly and the condition is chronic. -
Hermaphroditism is the medical term for intersex conditions where a person is born with both male and female sexual tissues or organs. External genitalia are often ambiguous and vary depending on the amount of testosterone produced by the testicular tissue during fetal development. -
Jonah Falcon is currently known as the man with the biggest penis on the planet. Falcon’s penis is 9.5 inches long when flaccid and 13.5 inches when erect. -
The largest vagina most likely belonged to Scottish giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888) who reached the height of 7'8" at the age of 19. -
A nearly unsatiable hooker from Tokyo named Zeny claims to have slept with over 200,000 men.She does mostly bukkake and gangbang parties. -
Diphallia is when a male is born with two penises. It happens once in about 5.5 million men. -
Polymastia - in some cases, more than two sets of mammary tissue can fully develop resulting in more than two breasts. -
Rachel, from Atlanta, Georgia, was diagnosed with persistent sexual arousal syndrome, after the birth of her first child. She experiences constant orgasms for up to eight hours a day.
Woman with three breasts has a condition called polymastia