15 Unexpected Details from Industry Insiders
Nathan Johnson
Much of the realty around isn't all that... real. In the digital age, everything is about image -- fresh, affordable, sexy, exclusive -- but, when everything's said and done, there's always a lot more going on behind the scenes than you'd expect.
Down below are a few interesting details and useful tips from industry insiders to help you play the game a little better.
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“Former hotel worker. If a place is clearly low on guests, you can pretty much get a room for next to nothing if you ask nice enough and are good to the front desk agents. Corporate hates vacancies, so they’d rather have something than nothing.” -
“Environmental scientist…….nothing is ever completely cleaned up…..” -
“Funeral industry here. I have no interest in your dead relative, or anything about them or you. I bury people 6 days a week and cant be bothered to k ow anything more than “does the name on my paperwork match the name on this headstone or flag in the cemetery”. To me, this is just Thursday.” -
“Not really a dirty secret but more of a lot of miscommunication. There is no allergy friendly carpet. If you are allergic to dust the fibers themselves will always cling to dust like velcro regardless of coatings composition or weave. You can get some carpets that are more resistant but if you or a loved one have a serious allergy carpet is a no-go… a myth of wool being better or triexta being better has been perpetrated by people thinking something all natural is always better when they still have the same issues.” -
“Home based service providers are hired directly out of college to be paid low and burn out and then quit. To be replaced by a fresh batch of graduates.” -
“People might be surprised store-bought name brand food in many circumstances is no different than the generic version. The contract food manufacturer’s just switch out the packaging a lot of the times.” -
“While filming porn the SMELLS are often HORRIBLE.” -
“There are a lot of large, old chillers and HVAC units that leak CFCs and HCFCs into the atmosphere that keep getting band-aid patches for years, simply because the owners don’t want to pay the cost to replace them. A LOT.” -
“I am a locksmith. There are plenty of secrets in our industry. But the dirty secret, in my view, is just how many companies there are out there, who will attend a simple lockout job, that could and should be solved with non-destructive entry techniques, and instead drill out the customers lock barrel, risk damaging their nightlatch, and make a mess, then charge the customer over the odds for replacement locks or parts thereof. That kind of crap makes me furious. If you aren’t in the job to secure and protect your client, using your mechanical and technical skill, if you are in the job to exploit people, victimise them and basically steal from them, then you need arrested and thrown in jail, alongside the people you are supposed to be helping protect your clientele from.” -
“Not my current profession but my previous. If you ordered prime rib from our restaurant we would actually under cut the portions to save more money. The minimum the cooks were instructed to under cut was 1 ounce and up to 2.5 ounces depending on the order size. Guests started realizing the differences from past dining experiences and management was instructed to ‘convince’ them that nothing has changed.” -
“The salads at my job are exactly the same size, the small one is just out in a bigger bowl to make it look smaller and we charge more for the “big” salad.” -
“Pornstar here. “Cum shots” in porn (photos anyways, not videos) are made with facial cleansers, not actual cum. Those cumming will save it for the actual scene itself, not the before pictures.” -
“I’m a nanny. I don’t follow all the parents rules and do whatever is easiest for me during the day.” -
“Working at a strip club. If you don’t tip the dj well or you piss him off, he will put the green lights on you while on stage. The green light makes everyone look x5 worse and it shows every imperfection. Also most of us aren’t actually drinking or drunk. We pretend so men think our guards are down and will spend more because they think they can get away with more. We are great at acting.” -
“I worked at a movie theater… every theater has mice. Increased chances to avoid them if you do not sit near the screen or anywhere with curtains.”
- 15 Unexpected Details from Industry Insiders
- 24 Funny Facepalms to Help Win the Weekend
“Former hotel worker. If a place is clearly low on guests, you can pretty much get a room for next to nothing if you ask nice enough and are good to the front desk agents. Corporate hates vacancies, so they’d rather have something than nothing.”