18 Gym Pet Peeves That Drive Me Up a Wall!
Am I the only one who's bothered by these?
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One hour conversation close to someone who is working out.Working out with friends is awesome because it pushes you farther than you thought you could go…well it depends on the friends…some just want to talk….don’t know why. Anyways. Whatever the case maybe, I don’t think talking in the gym with your friends is a bad thing per se, just don’t do it right next to me when I have 90lb dumbbells on top of me and I’m about to put them on the floor after a set……I could really hurt myself trying to avoid placing these really heavy things on your foot because you want to talk to your friend right next to me. -
Inconsiderate people...I understand that most of us think the world revolves around us (yes I am in that camp as well…sadly). However, try to be more polite in the gym. One thing is to be in your zone but it’s completely different to be in your zone and forget to wipe after you use a machine, or block the mirror for someone behind you just so that you can talk to your friends, or have a one hour conversation with your friend near someone who is lifting heavy weights!. Please people be considerate of people who are actually working out. -
Is it necessary to tell the whole world that you don’t have good aim by displaying the after math of your restroom escapade on the toilet seat? The least you can do is grab some toilet paper and wipe the seat or something. â€ÅEeewwwâ€ÂÂ, you say? Just imagine what the guy that came behind you said. -
PROFANITY...Now I understand that people are grown ups and bad language (which is just that, BAD) is normal in our society. However, like everything in life, there is a place and time for such vocabulary. Is it really necessary for someone to go off ranting -
Talking on the phone while on a cardio machine...Ok. Before you start pointing fingers, let me say that it is true, most of the people I see doing this at the gym are ladies. HOWEVER, I have seen men doing it too! So both sexes are guilty of this horrible habit. JUST DON'T DO IT! I mean really. Do I really want to hear what Sarah said to Stacy about Erika! C'MON! Normally I try to stay far away from people who're on the phone while at the gym, but when its jam-packed and there's only one machine open and its right next to the girl or guy quacking away about God knows what, sometimes I'd just rather skip cardio. SO unless it's an emergency, leave the phone in your locker -
Being mean (though I really want to say another word)The gym is a scary place and not everyone is at the same fitness level. Some have “mastered†the discipline of exercising while others are try to figure out how to even say the word. But the funny thing is that we were all in the same spot one time in our exercise history. We were all scared and insecure while trying to lift bars with no weights on, only to see big shots piling on plates after plates of 45lbs each. Let’s not forget our humble beginnings and let’s treat people kindly and patiently (unless they consistently do the things mentioned on this post…if they do, make sure to “accidentally†drop a dumbbell on their foot…just kidding, don’t do that. That’s just mean) -
Exercising with no shirt: Are we THAT desperate for attention? Not everyone appreciates a striptease at the gym and if you do this, you look like a tool. Don't do it! -
Not wiping your equipment: It's bad enough that I have to smell you, now you want me to sit on a bench drenched with your sweat? Not happening! It takes you less than 20 seconds to clean up after yourself. Do it! -
Using squat rack as a curl rack: This one completely blows my mind. Why on earth would someone insist on using an apparatus that is clearly made for legs as a device to work out arms? Sorry but if you do this, you get not points for creativity from me. There are benches, dumbbells, and curl machines all designed to get those wimpy arms of yours into shape. USE THOSE! -
Unsolicited advice: I see this happen all the time. Someone is using a machine improperly when suddenly a kind, compassionate, muscle-bound, 275 lbs. mammoth takes it upon himself to correct the error. A nice gesture? Maybe. But the fact is, most people don't like being told that they are wrong. No matter if they are indeed wrong. So keep the advice to yourself unless it's solicited. -
Mockery of the less athletic folk: To be honest, I rarely see this happening, but it has happened. It seems like people forget that at one time or another, they were in a similar position; trying to learn how to work out using light weights or even worse, no weights at all. Don't make fun of people who are working hard at correcting a problem. -
No Shoes, No Service: I honestly don't know where this comes from, but there seems to be a growing popularity of people not wanting to wear shoes at the gym (or shirts! I digress). Not only is this particularly hazardous for the shoe rebel, but, it's kind of gross! (Kind of nothing, it IS gross). -
Spitting in the water fountain: I usually try to stay hydrated in between sets by using the water fountain. So when I approach the water fountain only to find a gelatinous, off-white yellowish, quarter inch blob of a monster patiently awaiting my arrival, let's just say I'm not particularly thrilled. Goodness gracious--there are toilets in the bathroom you can spit that stuff in! -
B.O. AKA Body Odor: True, you are going to sweat and be musty at the gym (accept it, is going to happen--unless you go to the gym to engage in one-hour conversations). However, it's one thing to be musty, and an entirely different thing to smell like you cut the biggest ball of Onion and used it as your loofa pad. If you don't believe in deodorant, soap, or other forms of odor suppressors, may I suggest you work out during hours when it's slow at the gym. -
Disagreeing over policies: Sometimes there are policies in a gym that are uncomfortable (food policies, guest policies..etc). But does throwing a fit in front of 20 spectators and voicing your opinion on how the gym sucks (only to come back and use the same gym the next day) help change them? If you really are that distraught about the policy, then be mature about it and speak to people who can do something about it in a civilized fashion--fits are not civilized. -
One hour conversations: You could argue that the gym is a social place where friends can bond and relationships blossom, but you would be wrong. A room full of weights and cardio machines can only mean one thing and one thing only! If you impede my workout flow, I may just impede your lack of workout flow. -
Improper use of machines: 10 times out of 10, it's better to ask for help if you are not familiar with a particular gym equipment than to try and figure it out by yourself (Trust me on this one). -
Treating employees disrespectfully: It is no one's job to deal with rubbish. If you get a kick out of being one of those difficult people who complain about anything and everything under the sun just because you feel like listening to you whine is what the gym attendants are paid to do, well, I'm sorry but you are wrong. Be more considerate to workers of whatever gym you go to. They work really hard to make sure that you have a pleasurable experience at the gym, and the least you can do is make sure that they have a pleasurable experience at their jobs. Don't get me wrong, there are issues that you should always approach the attendant about (broken machines, injuries, questions and concerns) However, one thing is legitimate concern and the other is whining (not bright enough, not dark enough, member's B.O., disagreements concerning policies (etc). -
Hogging three or four machines: THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU! If you need to use three or more machines for circuit training, here are a three tips. A) Come at a time when it's not busy. B) Let someone work in with you. C) Don't stare at them while they work out on the machine you want--you look like a self-entitled creep. -
Hover over me while you wait for me to get off the machine: I know that we are creatures of habits. Therefore, it is only natural that we feel more comfortable with certain machines as opposed to others--HOWEVER! Is it really worth ruining the focus of someone else, just to let them know that you are impatiently waiting for them to finish so that you can use the machine (because it's all about you anyway right?). Not only that, but seeing that there is usually more than one way to work out a specific muscle group, is it that important for you to use this one machine I am on right now!!!! -
Inappropriate gum disposal: All I have to say about this one is that someone owes me a new pair of pants, and when I find you... -
Obnoxious grunting: Now I understand, some of you can bench 500lbs (probably even more). However, is it really necessary to let the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD KNOW? Just a thought. -
Leaving your weights on the floor: It always amazes me how people seem to think they have servants following them everywhere they go, and if they don't think like that, they at least act like it. Some of these guys can curl 50 pound dumbbells (easily) and yet can't manage to lift them back onto the rack. -
Re-rack weights in their proper place: The other day, I was doing dumbbell presses with 80 lbs dumbbells (don't judge), I took them from the slot that had the number 80 CLEARLY printed on it. I did my exercise, I went to re-rack my weights (like everyone should) and when I got to the same spot from which I had originally taken my 80 lbs dumbbells (which are pretty darn heavy) guess what I found. 75lbs DUMBBELLS!!!!
- 18 Gym Pet Peeves That Drive Me Up a Wall!
- 10 Photographs that Changed the World
One hour conversation close to someone who is working out.Working out with friends is awesome because it pushes you farther than you thought you could go…well it depends on the friends…some just want to talk….don’t know why. Anyways. Whatever the case maybe, I don’t think talking in the gym with your friends is a bad thing per se, just don’t do it right next to me when I have 90lb dumbbells on top of me and I’m about to put them on the floor after a set……I could really hurt myself trying to avoid placing these really heavy things on your foot because you want to talk to your friend right next to me.