20 Workers Who Got Back at Rude Customers
Nathan Johnson
Payback's a b***h.
Love it or hate it, the one thing 'Fight Club' definitely got right is that you shouldn't f**k with the people who make your food - and I'd extend that to anyone providing you with some kind of service. Treating everyone with kindness is just the right thing to do, but it also prevents you from being on the wrong end of situations like these.
Love it or hate it, the one thing 'Fight Club' definitely got right is that you shouldn't f**k with the people who make your food - and I'd extend that to anyone providing you with some kind of service. Treating everyone with kindness is just the right thing to do, but it also prevents you from being on the wrong end of situations like these.
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“Someone paid me $17 in change while laughing to their friend that I’d have to count it so I lost count 6 times right as I was about to be done counting.” -
“Sprayed fart spray in the isle because they didn’t wear a mask and cussed me out when I told them we required a mask.” -
“Sometimes if they get kids meals, I’ll give each one a different toy so maybe the kids will fight over it and annoy the parents.” -
“As a delivery driver I once spent the entire drive en route to a chronically rude customer’s house shaking the bottle of soda they’d ordered.” -
“Allow them to put their card in to pay and hit escape so they have to do it again. repeat until I feel better.” -
“I took a deep breath and was extra nice to them. They were so triggered but sounded insane complaining to my boss about how nice I was being.” -
“Under blend their smoothies so the little chunks block their straws.” -
“Booked their airplane seat on a 10+ hour flight right next to the bathroom.” -
“She payed me in ones…. i checked each and everyone up to the light.” -
“When I was a teacher I had a parent was constantly rude. I told her her baby started walking so she missed her first steps.” -
“I put extra, extra hot sauce in their salsa then do not refill their drinks.” -
“If they threw their money at me to pay, I’d throw their change back at them, smile and walk away.” -
“One time I gave someone their 99 cents change back in nickels and pennies because ‘that’s all we had in store at the moment.'” -
“When I was a cashier if anyone came to my register on the phone I always talked to them loudly to make it harder for them to talk on the phone.” -
“I worked in the drive-thru at a Wendy’s. rude people got broken straws for their sodas. because nothings more annoying than a cracked straw.” -
“Used to work at a grocery store, if people were extremely rude to me I would squash their loaf of bread in my hand while packing it in a bag.” -
“I “accidentally” forget to take the sensors off so they have to come back and I can waste their ‘precious time.'” -
“I’m in heating & air and if they’re rude…I tell them it’ll take 3 days to get the part for their heater..even though I have the part. Be cold Karen.” -
“If someone was being very rude to me I would save their number at the end of the day and put it in insurance offers and stuff so they would get calls.” -
“Be nice to the wedding photographer. If you’re not I include all the awful photos of you & sometimes even add some weight in photoshop.”
- 48 Random Pics and Memes For Your Viewing Pleasure
“Someone paid me $17 in change while laughing to their friend that I’d have to count it so I lost count 6 times right as I was about to be done counting.”