20 Terrible Children Who Sabotaged Their Families
Many parents assume having kids will bring them closer together. But that's not always the case!
Children often end up destroying their families. To prove it, we've rounded up some of the worst offenders from Reddit so you can judge for yourselves!
Children often end up destroying their families. To prove it, we've rounded up some of the worst offenders from Reddit so you can judge for yourselves!
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“AITA for not letting my parents into my son's life after they secretly tested his DNA?”
Once more, with feeling: we have some real a**hole parents that kick things off here. But I’m not sure this offense rises to the level of “I’m going to cut them out of my life forever now” on the part of their child. -
“AITA for asking my parents not to bring my brother to my wedding?”
Sibling rivalry is as common and as predictable as the sunset. But by the time you’re old enough to get married, you’re old enough to get over it and realize your direct family should probably be at the damn ceremony. -
“AITA for telling my parents their divorce was hard on me even if they were still friendly afterward?”
Everyone should feel free to speak their truths, especially kids that grew up in negative circumstances. But after your parents divorce and then manage the trick of remaining friends, you could try to not rip the wounds open all over again? -
“AITA for immediately leaving home when my parents ‘lied’ to me?”
Spoiler alert: you’re crazy if you don’t think your parents and pretty much everyone else are telling you white lies from time to time. Giving up a free place to stay and destroying your relationship with your parents over a white lie is downright stupid. -
“AITA for refusing to make my son apologize to my mother-in-law’s goddaughter and undermining my husband’s parenting?”
We have no doubt that your MIL and her goddaughter are probably monsters in their own right. But if you know you are undermining your partner in a marriage, you should probably work on communicating with him and not crying to Reddit. -
“AITA for kicking out my mother for berating my son for wanting to find his birth parents?”
Has there ever been a family more destined for group therapy? It sounds like mom is a real piece of work, but we doubt the son wanted to accidentally tear everyone apart like this. -
“AITA for not allowing my parents to see my kids anymore?”
Yep! Keep in mind your folks are much closer to the grave than you are and let them have this. -
“AITA for going off on my parents for lying about me having a wife?”
This entire story was fairly insane, involving parents that faked their son having a wife so the town wouldn’t think the kid was a weird incel. Which is pretty strange, but anyone whose parents had to make up a “Canadian girlfriend” situation should probably try to preserve all the relationships that he can. -
“AITA for telling my parents it’s their fault for being thousands of dollars in credit debt?”
It’s true that many parents could teach their kids better financial advice, but the sad truth is that many parents aren’t exactly financially literate themselves. At the end of the day, you need to take some responsibility for your own debt. -
“AITA for being mad at my parents for decorating my first house without my consent?”
Old people have terrible taste, and we’re confident the house looks like crap. But they were doing it to help you out, so maybe take this “gift” in the spirit it is given? -
“AITA for refusing to move into the guest room at my parent’s house to accommodate for people who need a place to stay?”
Feels like we need to tap a sign for some of these people. By the time you’re asking the internet if it’s okay that you’re selfishly screwing people over, you know damn well what the answer is. -
“AITA for refusing the gift my parents were planning on getting me for my 18th and suggesting they give me the cash instead?”
Yes, my child: by the time you are shaking down your parents and saying “just give me the money,” you are more a petty criminal than their child. -
“WIBTA for selling the house NOW which my parents bought using my name?”
It’s nearly 100% certain that the parents were doing something shady here. But yes, suddenly screwing your parents over would out of nowhere would, in fact, be a d*ck move. -
“AITA for telling my parents to give up hope on me getting married and giving them grandchildren?”
Look, we get it: it’s annoying as hell that they keep asking. But hitting them with a “yes, I will die alone, but not before you die, and you’ll have no comfortable memories of grandchildren when it happens” is pretty harsh! -
“AITA for refusing to eat traditional British food cooked by my British step-mother-in-law because it's gross to me?”
Hey, we’re with you on the fact that British food looks and tastes like something a dog vomited up. But you really can’t grin and bear it through one meal? Kids whose parents are crappy cooks develop this skill right away, so this just seems petty and strange. -
“AITA for telling my mom she must have had no self-respect to marry my dad??”
Sure, it’s probably better that mom and dad just rip the band-aid off and get divorced. But this kid is definitely doing her best to accelerate the process. -
“AITA for changing my baby’s name despite promising my dead husband's family I'd name the child after him?”
If they wanted some insane name and you gave the kid a normal name, you probably spared him a lifetime of getting beaten up. But you probably shouldn’t have made false promises that will alienate you from those family members. -
“AITA for refusing to let my family meet my daughter after all of them dropped out of my wedding upon finding out my wife was pregnant?”
This is one of many entries where we feel comfortable saying everyone here is an a$$hole. But reading between the lines, it looks like some of the estranged family are trying to reach out to repair the relationship and this dad wants to keep that estrangement indefinitely. -
“AITA for blowing up at my husband for sending his family a picture of our newborn?”
Uh…yeah? Look, your family has been waiting for you to crank out a kid for a while now. Maybe cut them some slack about being excited? -
“AITA for telling my brother our parents knew all along that he had a child and hid it from him?”
The real mark of maturity is realizing that some people really need to keep believing a lie. And then there’s this person doing their absolute best to destroy their brother’s mind, all over some strange “secret kid” drama.
- 20 Terrible Children Who Sabotaged Their Families
- 20 Very Specific Posts That Are Generally Hilarious
“AITA for not letting my parents into my son's life after they secretly tested his DNA?”
Once more, with feeling: we have some real a**hole parents that kick things off here. But I’m not sure this offense rises to the level of “I’m going to cut them out of my life forever now” on the part of their child.