15 Cool Facts To Cram Into Your Noggin
The Internet can be a great place for new information, especially facts, so, here's a list of some hidden nuggets from the depths of r/AskReddit .
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"It takes ~108 atoms laid in a row to span the width of a human fingernail (~1 cm.) If the same number of standard wooden pencils were laid end to end, they would circumnavigate the Earth’s equator more than 47 times." - BattleBornMom -
"Human's ability smell petrichor (smell of wet earth from rain) is greater than a Shark's ability to smell blood in water." - issaparadox -
"That the patent for the fire hydrant was lost in a fire" - CorinRyptide -
"The shell is part of the turtle’s skeleton." - haydensidun -
"Eugene Aldrin, the father of the famous moon landing astronaut Buzz Aldrin, not only witnessed the Wright brothers’ first flight but also went to see his son land on the moon in his lifespan. We’ve been quick!" - cfitzi -
"Butterflies and Moths can drink blood and tears in order to get nutrients. It’s called Mud-puddling. I think more horror movies should use this." - MonetsMenagerie -
"One of the big defenses for the idea of DNA carrying memories is the fact that some butterflies, when migrating south, stop abruptly in the middle of a lake (I forgot which, I’m sorry) and seem to go around something. This is because thousands of years ago, a mountain was there and it was coded in their DNA to go around this mountain." - oddkay1 -
"the word LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." - oddkay1 -
"When you are looking at a star, you are literally looking in the past. The amount of light years the star is distant is equal to the amount of years in the past you are looking at. The most distant star visible to the naked eye is "V76 Cas" located in the Cassiopiea constellation, and it is 16,310 light years away. The light emitting from that star started emitting in around 14000 BC, during which time the Earth was still in the Upper Paleolithic era." - Robbie_23z -
"Muscles do not develop the same in everyone and their exact origins/insertions can differ between people. In some the biceps have three or more heads, as opposed to the normal two. Some muscles are entirely absent, such as the psoas minor (found in about 40% of humans) and the sternalis (only 7.8%)." - Ruffled_Ferret -
"If you find a four leaf clover then there is a good chance you'll find more not too far away." - purpleturtlehurtler -
"Acacia trees were shown to send chemical signals to other trees that they were being overgrazed on, causing the other Acacia trees to increase the production of a specific chemical that would kill the animals overgrazing on them." - RustyCopal -
"Since most people are right handed, in WW2 the Germans were specifically trained to eat with their left hand, so that finding spies from other countries would be easier to spot." - oddkay1 -
"Scientists also found that mice who were fed all their calories during a single feeding lived longer than those who were fed the same amount of calories but broken up throughout the day." - Lurkay1 -
"In the pineal gland in your brain, over time it will start to form tiny calcification, little mineral buildups. There is no known function for these but scientists named it corpora arenacea also known as dream sand." - jimbo-g -
"Twister was the first movie released on DVD" - Vaporface -
"Komodo dragons are the largest animals in the world capable of reproducing asexually" - SilvaIIy -
"90% of the population on Earth lives in the Northern Hemisphere." - Johndoe448 -
"When a person receives a kidney transplant they don’t take out the old kidneys, they just shove em to the side and leave em in there." - zytz -
"The first person to write about tofu in the English language was Benjamin Franklin." - jerisad -
"Emma Morano of Italy was the last (documented and verified) person to die that was born in the 1800s. 29th November 1899 - 15th April 2017" - SkippyMcLovin
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"It takes ~108 atoms laid in a row to span the width of a human fingernail (~1 cm.) If the same number of standard wooden pencils were laid end to end, they would circumnavigate the Earth’s equator more than 47 times." - BattleBornMom