21 Everyday Things That Are Totally and Completely a Scam
Scams will slip under our radar sometimes. Maybe it's a law or a practice that has been a tradition for years, but we can't help but feel a little cheated when we participate in these things.
Over at r/AskReddit we found some things that are definitely a scam.
Over at r/AskReddit we found some things that are definitely a scam.
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Ticketmaster, the fees are just the beginning. They got sick of stubhub eating up that juicy "secondary" market, so now offer the handy ability to scalp tickets right on the site. You just buy them, (usually) double the price, and put them for sale as "verified." All without actually leaving your chair. Funny thing is, they aren't doubling the good seats, because that just gets silly. So you have people buying the balcony blocks, which at one concert were $70,and jacking the price to $140. Meanwhile, for $240 there were seats three rows back from the stage. -u/emu314159 -
Rent to Own stores. They sell furniture and electronics type stuff to people with bad credit who can't really afford it, let them pay a small amount weekly. If people end up paying on time and pay stuff off, they will pay 2 or 3 times more than the item is worth. -u/bgwa9001 -
Weddings and pretty much every other thing we blindly accept have to be insanely expensive without even thinking about it. -u/jcfeej -
Funerals. It shouldn’t cost over a thousand dollars to put somebody in the ground. -u/coolreg214 -
I think Student Loan servicers. For example, Navient manages Federally guaranteed debt for the US Gov in Student loans, has the IRS as their personal collection agency. They constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY fuck up to the extent they get dragged in front of Congressional Hearings, and their CEO is paid $7.7M annually. -u/Firebolt164 -
Cable TV/Internet monopolies. -u/dan1101 -
Online charlatans that will share their "secrets" if you buy their course. -u/rateIdentity -
Insulin prices -u/RazonaRay -
Those payday loan businesses. It’s predatory as shit and it’s just legal loansharking. -u/1980pzx -
News as entertainment. -u/fast_cherry_bomb -
Whatever MLM scheme my SIL was peddling at thanksgiving. -u/YELLOWvj -
Bank fees. You are broke so we are going to charge you for being broke. -u/Brandyj23 -
The whole health system... like... putting a fee on holding your baby after giving birth? Seriously? -u/Limp-Sundae5177 -
2 Party Political System -u/Trends_ -
College tuition being ridiculously high. -u/Desireedeep -
Credit score system. For instance, in what universe is paying off your debt a risk factor, such that your credit score drops significantly if you pay down what you owe? So I pay my bills, so that looks sketchy and I am penalized for it? Like I paid off an old credit card and my score dropped 130 points. -u/Squaragus_Asparagus -
COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. You need edition 10 for this class. They change one chapter in the book make it a new edition over price it and fuck the college kids. Always drove me nuts when I was in college. -u/leemurray98 -
Personally, joining the military. Serving my country. Getting exposed to chemicals. Dying from the inside at forty with no help from the society I served. American dream baby. -u/Neinbozobozobozo -
Susan G Komen - WITHOUT A DOUBT If people actually knew how much of their donation went to salaries/upkeep vs research and help they'd be shocked. -u/DarkerPools -
Bottled water. I never understood why people panic-bought bottled water when the pandemic started. You’re going to be home, where you have a reliable source of water, not driving across the country. Just get a filter. -u/StrawberryAqua -
Prison system, let's make sure we do little to nothing to rehabilitate people and set them up with the skills they need before they leave so they learn more about surviving as a criminal than they do surviving on the right side of the law. -u/work4work4work4work4 -
The stock market! The amount of corruption that is involved with the US stock market is underestimated. -u/Shlivovitz -
Tipping instead of actually raising wages for waiters. -u/Aggravating_Sea_140
- 33 Pics That Are The Epitome of Cringe
Ticketmaster, the fees are just the beginning. They got sick of stubhub eating up that juicy "secondary" market, so now offer the handy ability to scalp tickets right on the site. You just buy them, (usually) double the price, and put them for sale as "verified." All without actually leaving your chair. Funny thing is, they aren't doubling the good seats, because that just gets silly. So you have people buying the balcony blocks, which at one concert were $70,and jacking the price to $140. Meanwhile, for $240 there were seats three rows back from the stage. -u/emu314159