24 Interesting Facts You Should Know
Nathan Johnson
An amazing collection of trivia facts you probably haven't heard of before.
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Cracking your knuckles WILL NOT lead to arthritis. -
Pufferfish contain a toxin in their spikes that kills predators. It has a slightly different effect on dolphins though, in that it gets them high. So teenage dolphins will pass around pufferfish and impale themselves off of them to get stoned. -
Scientists speculated there are other planets orbiting distant stars, but haven't had a clear evidence of this fact up until the 1990's. And the majority of currently known exoplanets (almost 5000, as of now!) have been discovered well into 2000's, which means that humanity is at the very beginning of its discovery journey regarding other planetary systems.With James Webb telescope being extremely close to finalizing its calibrations as we speak, we will be able to not only discover hundreds, if not thousands of new planets (and stars and galaxies), but also detect whether there are traces of alien civilizations on them. We should all be very excited about this, as this is unprecedented, and a HUGE deal for science and our species as a whole. -
That if sound could be transmitted through space, the sun would be so loud on earth it would be the equivalent of standing next to a jet engine, even though it's 94 million miles away. -
Dragonflies are the predator with the highest success rate (over 90%), and are one of the few animals that are capable of plotting intercept courses rather than chasing their prey. They're basically mosquito murder drones. -
You can fit the entire population of the human race inside the Grand Canyon. Not just the 7 billion alive now - the entire lot. From the very start. And still have plenty of room for those who are yet to be born. -
A single gram of DNA contains about 700 terabytes of information. -
When they first measured the height of Mt. Everest it was exactly 29.000 feet, but as that sounds like a made-up number they declared it to be 29.002 feet. -
When Thomas Edison was bound to a wheelchair, Henry Ford bought a wheelchair for himself so that he and Edison could race. -
The sound of an ATM drawing cash is a manufactured sound. It's just to let you know that the ATM is indeed working and that your money is coming up. -
That cows have regional moo's. -
If every person on earth fought 1v1 until there was only 1 winner, that person would only have to win 33 times. -
Ok, this fact has connected facts:In late 1800s girl killed herself by jumping from bridge on Sienna river and she was known as The Unknown Woman of the Seine.When the guy who worked in morgue saw her, he thought she was beautiful and ordered a plaster cast of her face.Fast foward to 1960s, CPR was invented and they needed a doll to train people. So they partnered with Norwegian producer of medical devices. That guy decided to use the plaster cast of Unknown Woman of the Seine and named the doll Anne(Annie) because his doughter was named Anne(Annie).While performing CPR, people were trained to talk to a doll(person) so there is that common phrase:"Annie! Annie are you ok?"Fast foward to when Michael Jackson decided to put that phrase in his classic "Smooth Criminal". -
Cuttlefish can accurately match the color and texture of their environment despite the fact that they’re colorblind. -
Steven Seagal once told Gene LeBell that he was immune to being choked out from doing so much martial arts training, so Gene choked him out and he sh*t his pants. -
If you made $10,000 per day, every day since the pyramids were built around 4,500 years ago, you'd have 6% of Elon Musk's wealth. -
Your nose is impacting your vision 100% of the time.However, since your "picture" you see is just an interpretation by your brain, your brain erases your nose as useless information. You'll only see it, if you really concentrate on it, if you close one eye, or if you put your finger on the very tip of your nose.It seems like a harmless fact until this thought enters your head..."Your nose is real. Your brain removes it from your vision as useless, but it is very much there, and very much real. What other things is your brain removing from your vision?"It's wild to think that your entire life experience is just your brain doing it's best to interpret your senses. And that it's definitely not a "perfect" system. It could be interpreting everything incorrectly, and we collectively wouldn't have any idea. -
The Nazis planned to assassinate Winston Churchill with an explosive chocolate bar. -
Apparently turtles breathe from their booty. -
If you fold a regular piece of paper in half 104 (from memory) times, the paper will be as thick as the entire observable universe. -
Marlon Brando popularized wearing a T-shirt casually. -
The only artist to ever have five albums in the US Top 20 at the same time is Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass. -
Sharks like and get attracted to Heavy Metal music played underwater. -
In a game of chess after you played your first 5 moves and your opponent played his first 5 moves, there are already like 70 trillion possible chess games that could have been played.
- 24 Interesting Facts You Should Know
- 23 Gaming Pics and Memes to Level Up With
Cracking your knuckles WILL NOT lead to arthritis.