23 Creepy and Disturbing Facts about the World’s Oceans
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“Lost sailors in the sea who cling to wreckage basically have their skin dissolved by salt water after soaking for more than 3 days.” -SnooOranges4231 -
“I remember watching a YouTube interview with a military diver. He described how when you’re doing a covert op you spend a lot of time just underwater doing nothing with no lights on until it’s time to move. He specifically mentioned how he had to get used to having large things bump into him in the pitch black.” -Freaked_The_Eff_Out -
“The largest biomass migration takes place every night when deep sea animals come up to feed.” -Supraman83 -
“The sonar we use for deep sea mapping really screws up a number of species especially whales, dolphins and porpoises. Imagine walking around and a tornado alarm decibel-level noise triggers right next to you. We do that every time we use that high-powered sonar and it basically f's up their own sonar abilities causing them to be unable to communicate and navigate.” -Reyltjj -
“There are perfectly-preserved shipwrecks from ancient Greece preserved at the bottom of the Black Sea. The water is so deep that it becomes anoxic (oxygen free), which preserves organic materials like wood. Shipwrecks are cool, but I find the phenomenon a little disturbing, since there is probably no life down there.” -colorforge -
“94% of the Earth's oceans are just pitch black darkness.” -Dr-Figgleton -
“When you dip your toe in the water you are no longer at the top of the food chain.” -Kermitsfinger -
“When a whale dies, it creates a whole new ecosystem.” -Victor_IMayBeWeird -
“The ocean is blue because all the other pigments are absorbed. So after a certain distance down everything thing becomes a monotone blue color, unless you have some other light source. The freaky part is if a diver gets cut underwater the blood looks black, like ink. All the red has long since been absorbed so there’s no wavelengths left to show you a red color when you bleed.” -Lord_of_the_Canals -
“It has murdered more people than you will ever know.” -Kaptainkarl76 -
“I tell new scuba divers this: The ocean doesn’t care about you. It’s not actively trying to kill you. But it will do a lot of things on its own that will absolutely kill you if you’re not prepared and paying attention. I realize this could apply to any natural environment but it feels much more apt when talking about the ocean. One wave that you weren’t prepared for can make your day pretty bad. For the ocean it’s just business as usual.” -deleteduser -
“It's estimated that there are 3 million shipwrecks in the ocean, and we lose without a trace, about 100 large vessels every year.” -Ephemeris -
“Hot tub of despair is a lake under the ocean, in the Gulf of Mexico. It is highly concentrated with salt and has dissolved methane. Any creature that enters dies.” -Abathur11235 -
“Most of the plastic pollution in the ocean is not from straws, shopping bags, or consumer items as most of us were led to believe. It’s from fishing nets and fishing gear.” -TheSheekGeek -
“Just one millilitre of coastal water taken from the ocean's surface can contain up to 10 million viruses. The number of viruses decreases further offshore and deeper into the water.” -SuvenPan -
“Each ocean is a mass gravesite and we all go swimming in it, and some of us end up in it.” -Masterjefe23 -
“There are parts of the ocean which are dead, no oxygen in the water which means nothing can survive, no fish no plankton nothing at all. They are spreading exponentially. Whilst they are tiny now and have been. At the rate of growth. They’ll cause serious problems before the end of the century.” -Emergency-Tiger4339 -
“There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky.” -Sleepy_SadOS -
“It doesn't hate you. It doesn't love you. It doesn't even know you exist. When it destroys/capsizes your boat your boat didn't even cause a change in its movements. I am a sailor and I am in love with a cold heartless b*tch who couldn't care less whether I live or die.” -Intelligent-Lie-7407 -
“Blue Whales cum 20 litres of sperm each time they ejaculate. That's gotta leave a taste.” -UnusualGenePool -
“There is a garbage patch so big it can be seen from space.” -Last-Appearance-4658 -
“When sea creatures die in the ocean and their bones sink to the deep ocean floor, zombie worms eat the bones. The skin secretes an acid dissolving the bones, digesting the remaining fat and protein left behind.” -creeeeaaach -
“Hawley Harvey Crippen should have dumped his wife's remains in the ocean because not an ounce of food goes to waste including the bones. If you need to get rid of a mass grave don't bury them, dump them at sea and the entire body will be eaten. Which will actually be beneficial to the ecosystem as a whole. We shouldn't be burying people, but dumping them at sea.” -TwistedDecayingFlesh -
“We don't really know what's in it. I can say that for thousands of years we drew sea monsters believing they lived in it. Surprising a lot of stuff we found in those pictures were in the ocean. (Giant Squid recently.) Just makes you think what else is actually down there that we don't know about.” -ghigoli -
“Only 1% of its floor has been explored. It’s pretty common knowledge by now, but most people don’t understand how absolutely insane it really is. We know more about the surface of Mars than we do our ocean's floor.” -Teiwaz_Norseman
“Lost sailors in the sea who cling to wreckage basically have their skin dissolved by salt water after soaking for more than 3 days.” -SnooOranges4231