25 Reasons to Be Positive About The Future
Lately, it seems like everywhere you look there is more bad news. It's hard to stay optimistic about the future sometimes. Over at r/AskReddit, we found out what people thought were more positive things about the future of humanity.
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People here are talking about Cancer cure here. Stanford Medicine made the biggest breakthrough in history just last month. They cured 90 out of 90 infected mice with different kinds of cancers with just 1 shot of medicine. -u/Theenecros -
Solar energy -
Desalination -
gene therapy. -u/starcz -
All 7 of my Honeybee colonies are currently surviving the winter, and today they’re bringing in the first pollen of the year. -u/Geothermalheatpumpin -
The possible return of the American Chestnut tree. Fast growing, rot resistant and, perhaps most important, it produces enough calories from the nuts to feed a population. -u/ten-million -
My students. They handle a complex, globally interconnected society in ways "my" generation (undergraduate at university in the 1970s) couldn't hold a candle to. Any color, any sexual orientation, any (dis)ability, any nationality...it's all good, so long as they're not an a**hole. We may be approximating Dr. Martin Luther King's hope for a world where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. -u/LateralThinkerer -
Space. So much is unknown right now. Excited to see what can come in the future. -u/ProPancakeMan -
Commercial Spaceflight - Its literally here right now, but its going to get even cheaper in the future. The next step will be space tourism, but that won't be accessible to the average person for a few decades at least. -
Mars - We're definitely going at some point, whether it is publicly or privately funded. I doubt there are any monsters there, or that we'll have any visitors forced to grow potatoes with their excrement. However, Mars is the next logical destination for humanity's domination of the solar system. I hope I live to see the first colonization effort! -u/vaelroth -
Understanding of history. We are at a certain point in time, during which we are well aware of what happened in the past. This is a newly available, highly useful feature of our generation. Hopefully it lasts. -u/_atworkdontsendnudes -
That we're almost at the point where we get artificial organs. I could use a kidney. -u/circadiankruger -
Mental illness awareness is growing rapidly, and people are more and more willing to assist those in need. -u/Th3NXTGEN -
People are beginning to realize that things don't change on their own. More people are taking action to help out and change the world as a whole. -u/Pg3_ -
The increasing easiness of travelling anywhere in the world. -u/BaconCat42 -
That everyday millions of people go to work in order to provide for their families, come home, talk about inane things, etc. The world over consists mostly of people with similar wants and similar needs no matter from where they hail or what they look like, and the vast majority of the time it just works. One tiny lapse in coordination and it could all come crumbling down, but mostly the world marches on. It's a brilliant blue ball of common humanity, and it pays to remember sometimes that for all that's horrible in the world, we're surrounded by a lot of good. -u/thesurlyengineer -
I think we're making great progress with renewable energy and am hopeful that the my children's generation will have a chance to fix the mess we made! -u/stayloa -
More than 90 percent of children now attend primary school worldwide. -u/SlocketRoth -
Medical science breakthroughs in Alzheimer's and dementia. -u/chasinbubbles -
The future applications of automation and 3D printing. -u/chasinbubbles -
Universities like Yale, Harvard and many more make full online courses available online for free complete with notes, quizzes and complimentary readings. I remember I took a course where you could select a 360 view of the classroom setting. -u/[deleted] -
artificial intelligence -
the development of Virtual reality and Augmented reality! -u/Chickenderpy -
Electric Vehicles + Highly Autonomous Driving = Cleaner, safer mobility for EVERYONE! *(including the handicapped, the elderly, and the developing world) -u/kabanaga -
Legalizing marijuana. Not because I want to get high, but because I think that it's starting a conversation around criminal justice reform, which is something that we desperately need. It's opening people's eyes to the heinous sentences that people have received for marijuana related charges, and we are already starting to see some of those people released. Marijuana legalization is good, but ultimately what is great for this country is recognizing that we have a broken criminal justice system when it comes to things like minimum sentences, lack of rehabilitation, and lack of programs to prepare inmates for life outside of prison. -u/stratomaster82
- 25 Reasons to Be Positive About The Future
- 20 People Who Organized the Space Around Them
People here are talking about Cancer cure here. Stanford Medicine made the biggest breakthrough in history just last month. They cured 90 out of 90 infected mice with different kinds of cancers with just 1 shot of medicine. -u/Theenecros