25 Things People Need To Stop Being So Offended By
No matter your political affiliation or beliefs, there is one thing we can all agree on. And that is that people get offended by too many damn things these days.
Changing the culture begins with changing ourselves. With that in mind, here are 25 things you just need to stop getting so offended by!
Changing the culture begins with changing ourselves. With that in mind, here are 25 things you just need to stop getting so offended by!
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Being wrong! It’s okay to be wrong, as long as you’re also willing to learn. -
My friend tweeted about his grandma dying and someone got mad at him for not adding a trigger warning -
Third-party people who hear one side of a story, assume that's all the facts and not any bias or perceptive distortion nor a misunderstanding, and then go on to attack the other party who is also hurting from what happened between the first two parties.EBW in a nutshell -
Declining someone’s offer. Years ago my mom (she's gotten much better now) would offer to help with something and if I said no she'd take it as a personal insult. One time I said I was coming to pick up my things as I was in the process of moving out, she said she can just hold onto them until I find a place.
It was pretty clear she wanted to slow the moving process down as much as possible but I said no thank you, I'd rather have them with me now. The conversation ended with her telling me to go to hell and threatening to throw my property on the lawn in the middle of the night cause I insisted instead of caving. -
When cashiers ask for I.D. to sell a product. -
Setting boundaries with toxic people.It's not "vindictive" or "unforgiving," it's healthy. -
Using descriptors like "black" instead of "African American". I still get dirty looks from older people if they hear me refer to someone as "black". -
People being busy! I don't understand why people give up friendships just because they haven't seen someone in a month or so or get offended because they took a few hours to respond to a text. -
Rejection, some people just don’t seem to understand what a NO means -
I know a lot of these are trying to shed light on important issues, but the activism you see on Instagram (or really any social media platform for that matter) are getting pretty annoying and downright patronizing. It's like they're not doing it for the activism so much as the likes and comments agreeing with them. -
Getting offended on other people's behalf just on the assumption that they'd probably be offended. -
People not smiling. For some reason, it bugs the hell out of some people when someone doesn't smile often, to the point where they feel inclined to embarrass them by loudly telling them to smile more. -
I may not want your lifestyle but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect you! It’s just irritating when people get offended that you don’t want to be like them or that you are different. -
When you don’t fawn over their kids i.e. think they’re sooo cute, smart, talented, etc. -
Mistakes and failures are some of the best learning tools. Instead, they have become something to put someone down or, worse, they revel in the failure because being smart isn't cool? -
Not answering the phone. I am not contractually forced to answer the godd*mn phone each time it rings. -
Offended by things that hurt no one. Tattoos, bad haircuts, men doing feminine things and vice versa. Such pointless things to be offended by, but people still do it. -
Cultural appropriation when not done in a mocking manner. Especially with food. The people who get mad because a chef modified a dish someone else’s grandma made in the old country need to just stop. There’s already so much noise in the world, getting mad over food is ridiculous. -
FACTS. Hard, cold, provable facts. Denying facts was called being either a liar or a delusional back in the day. -
Accidental misgendering. Don't get all up in arms with a stranger calling you “miss” when you go by he/him pronouns. They don't know, they dont care to know. It's not on purpose. Move on. -
When I tell people about my weight loss goals, and I get hit with a "you look fine/don't worry about what people think/you don't need to lose weight" and won't drop it, acting like I'm doing it out of self-hatred or something. Like, no, I do need to lose weight, I was 40lbs over my healthy BMI.
I've lost 10 so far, and I tend to lose 30 more. it has nothing to do with self-esteem, I already think I'm attractive. I just have to be realistic with myself and admit that I'm putting myself at risk. my family has a bad history of heart disease and diabetes, and I don't wanna end up dead in the dirt at 55 as everyone else has. Some people lose weight for perfectly healthy reasons. it's not always just internalized hatred. -
A difference (any difference) in opinion -
F*cking swearing! -
Other people’s choice to stay child-free. "But you'll change your mind eventually""Oh well _____ didn't want kids and now she's a mother""Who will take care of you when you're older?"Why are people so obsessed with it?? It's insane. People just don't accept any answer you give; You're a woman and therefore you must want to give birth. I don't like kids. I like to have freedom and money. That's my choice. Do you like kids? Great for you. Stop forcing it on me. -
Nipples... in America at least. But only "female presenting nipples".Like the boob is fine as long as the nipples are censored but without the boob, you don't have any idea whether the nipple is appropriate or not.It just seems like a weird thing to get caught up on.
- 25 Things People Need To Stop Being So Offended By
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Being wrong! It’s okay to be wrong, as long as you’re also willing to learn.