25 Things You Love That Were Accidents
Accidents and mistakes that made these items the products we know and love.
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Lara Croft's Chest Was Caused by a Slip of the Finger -One of the artists in charge of editing Lara's dimensions on the original Tomb Raider game meant to increase the character's bust by 50%, but he accidentally typed 150%, creating the gaming icon salivated over by fanboys across the world. -
Corn Flakes Were Meant to Keep You From Masturbating -Anti-masturbation dietitians Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and William Keith Kellogg thought that the key to a sexless life was a clean and healthy diet. One day they left their oats out and they went stale; what resulted was a cereal that no one under the age of 80 wants to eat. -
Donkey Kong Was Supposed to Be the Hero, Not the Villain -The game manual clearly expresses that Donkey Kong was Mario's pet, and he escaped because Mario mistreated him. -
Nachos - Ignacio “Nacho” Anaya was a maître d’ at a restaurant called the Victory Club in Piedras Negras, Mexico. When a group of ten military wives crossed the border from Fort Duncan Army base and wanted lunch, he improvised by covering a plate of tostadas with grated cheese, passed it through a salamander (a broiling unit that heats food from above), and topped the whole thing off with jalapeños. -
Star Trek's Transporters Were Created Due to Budget Constraints -As cool and/or horrifying as the concept of a matter transporter is, it was never supposed to be on the show. The plan was for the crew to take shuttles or land the ship every time Kirk had to bone a green lady, but that would have been too expensive. With this budget-saving innovation, they not only had more funds for special effects and Shatner's girdle budget, they inadvertently created one of the franchise's most iconic elements. -
The Line Up in The Usual Suspects Was Supposed to Be Serious - The Usual Suspects is about five criminals who meet at a police lineup and decide to commit a robbery together. In the lineup scene, the characters were simply supposed to step up and repeat a line, one by one. But according to the DVD extras, Benicio del Toro had terrible gas that day and it caused everyone to break. Director Brian Singer finally became fed up with the actors and the scene made it into the movie as is. -
The Nervous Mob Enforcer in the Godfather Was Just Starstruck - While filming The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola needed a big, intimidating guy to play Luca Brasi, a mob enforcer working for Don Corleone. As luck would have it, the film was cast with like a billion tough guys. Enter Lenny Montana, a legit mob enforcer. He was so nervous to share a scene with Marlon Brando that he bumbled his lines, making Don Corleone appear more intimidating than the muscleman towering over him. -
Viggo Mortensen, True Lord of the Rings - In The Fellowship of the Ring, when another actor misjudged a throw and accidentally flung a real knife at Viggo Mortensen's face at high velocity, Mortensen managed to swing his sword and block the knife, creating another unintentional badass moment for his character. -
A Miscommunication Creates Doctor Who's Beloved Scarf - If you've never seen Doctor Who, it's about a time traveling man named "Who" who flies through space in his telephone house stealing young women from their homes and changing his appearance to avoid prosecution. He also used to wear a very long scarf that was knit when a producer for the show gave different swatches of wool to a seamstress who thought they wanted a fifty foot puke colored scarf and not something normal. Luckily, Tom Baker (the fourth Doctor) loved the scarf and her mistake became series canon. -
A Reckless Driver Caused the Line "I'm Walkin' Here!" - In Midnight Cowboy, Jon Voight plays Joe Buck, a small-town Texan who goes to New York City to become a hustler and gets scammed by Ratso, a crippled con man played by Dustin Hoffman who later helps him become a gigolo. Since the filmmakers didn't have permits, the famous scene had to be shot with a hidden camera and carefully timed to coincide with the "walk" signal. After about 15 failed takes, a cab driver almost ran them over. Hoffman reacted by slamming the car and yelling, "I'm walkin' here!" -
"Money for Nothing" Was Based on an Actual Rant - One of the first mega-hits from MTV was the song "Money for Nothing," a single about how much of a drag it is to be on MTV. Dire Straits front man Mark Knopfler actually wrote the song while shopping one day when he overheard an electronics shop employee ranting about musicians on MTV. He copied his rant verbatim, threw them over some chords and started cashing checks! -
Chocolate Chip Cookies Were the Result of a Lack of Baker's Chocolate - Ruth Wakefield, owner of the Tollhouse Inn was trying to bake regular old boring cookies when she discovered she was out of baker's chocolate. As a substitute, she broke sweetened chocolate into small pieces and added them to the cookie dough, expecting the chocolate to melt, making chocolate cookies, but the little bits held their form and she started seeing dollar signs. -
Ms. Pac-Man Was Created by Hackers - in 1982, two MIT students created a game called Crazy Otto by modifying a Pac-Man machine. Midway liked it so much they bought it from the students, replaced Otto with Pac-Man wearing a bow, and Ms. Pac-Man was born. -
Drunken Extra Throws a Can at John Malkovich, Makes Film History - In the brain breaking film Being John Malkovich, a puppeteer finds a portal into the titular actor's head and begins charging money for 15 minutes in his body. When Malkovich himself gets inside his head, things get weird. He then ends up on the New Jersey turnpike where an extra who snuck beer on set drives by and yells, "Think fast Malkovich!" before lobbing a beer can at his head. Director Spike Jonze liked the take so much he kept it in the film. -
The Hulk Is Green Because Marvel's Printers Are the Worst - Originally, The Hulk was supposed to be grey so it wouldn't suggest any particular ethnic group. The problem was, when they saw the first issue, the titular character looked like a big glop of clay who was a different shade on every page. Messing up grey seems hard, but Marvel's printers figured it out! In the next issue they changed Banner to green and no one ever noticed. -
Cheeseburgers Were Invented to Cover Mistakes - Young chef Lionel Sternberger, burned a hamburger and hid the charred spot under a slice of cheese, back in the 1920s. Or so claims the Rite Spot diner in Pasadena, CA. The area’s chief of commerce Paul Little said: “Rather than throw it away, he hid his mistake and served it to a customer, who was delighted.” -
The PlayStation Was Planned as an Add-on for the SNES - At the 1991 CES, Sony launched a new console that was created with Nintendo, an SNES with a built in CD-ROM drive. The day after the announcement, Nintendo broke its deal with Playstation and partnered with Phillips instead. Oops. -
A Metallica Hit Was Written While James Hetfield Was on the Phone - While on tour with his massively popular metal band, Metallica, James Hetfield wrote the super hit prom song "Nothing Else Matters" while talking on the phone with his girlfriend. Supposedly, he held the phone in one hand and played with the other. Sure you did James, sure you did. -
Daniel Craig's Iconic Beach Shot in Casino Royale Happened Thanks to a Sandbar - In the first film of the 007 reboot, Daniel Craig is doing some type of spy junk in the Bahamas, and just as he was meant to float away while watching a baddie's wife, he hit a sandbar and was forced to awkwardly stand and wade through the water. Of the super sexy visual, Craig said, "[I] would be haunted by it for the rest of my life." -
Space Invaders Was Supposed to Be Way Faster - Programmer Tomohiro Nishikado spent a year trying to build a system powerful enough to run Space Invaders. When he finished, it still wasn't good enough. The invaders moved slowly at the beginning and only sped up to the rate he wanted when there were fewer on screen because they'd been shot. -
Waffle Cones - At the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, Ernest A. Hamwi was selling a crisp, waffle-like pastry in a booth right next to an ice cream vendor who ran out of cups. And as if fate put them hand in hand, the ice cream vendor bought his supply of cones and gave the world diabetes for years to come. -
The "Street Fighting Man" Sound Was Caused by Recording on Cassette - The completely overblown sound of "Street Fighting Man" was caused by most of the tracking being done on a personal cassette recorder in a hotel. Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, and Brian Jones played their respective parts (guitar, drums, and sitar) together on into Richards's mono cassette recorder, giving the song it's distorted sound. -
Loser Is a Bunch of Nonsense Recorded in a Kitchen - Beck's biggest hit was recorded as a lark in his friend Carl's kitchen. After he recorded the freestyle he began to sing the line "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me," and life was never the same. -
Jason Voorhees Wears a Hockey Mask Because the Crew Was Lazy - In the second Friday the 13th film, Jason wears a bag over his head, which was a little close to the killer from The Town Who Feared Sundown for the producers, so they decided to finally give him a face. His face was finally going to be seen but it would take a lot of work for every shot. The make up team decided that instead of doing their job, they would just stick a mask on the villain and a horror icon was born! -
The Konami Code Was Left in Gradius on Accident - The famous code "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start" was created because one of the creators of the home version of Gradius couldn't beat his own game. He created the code to give himself a full set of power ups and forgot to delete the code. His mistake is everyone's boon!
- 25 Things You Love That Were Accidents
Lara Croft's Chest Was Caused by a Slip of the Finger -One of the artists in charge of editing Lara's dimensions on the original Tomb Raider game meant to increase the character's bust by 50%, but he accidentally typed 150%, creating the gaming icon salivated over by fanboys across the world.