26 Tips to Help You Through Dangerous Situations
Nathan Johnson
Some life hacks are designed to make your life easier, but these are designed to keep you safe. No matter how careful you are, sometimes you wind up in situations you'd rather not be a part of. For those, we've got you covered with 26 tips to make sure you know what to do when things get dicey. Stay safe out there!
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Never do more than 1 illegal thing at a time. -
There's no such thing as a fair fight. Go for the nuts. -
Never, I repeat never talk to the cops about anything! If questioned, act stupid. If interrogated, lawyer up. -
If you know you'll be walking through a sketchy area, look sketchy. Back when I used to do a lot of night photography in an area with frequent muggings and robberies, this kept me out of bad situations. If people cross the street instead of passing by you, you're doing it right. -
Never consent to a police search of your vehicle or you're home. If they have to get a warrant, they are *much* more limited in where they can search and what they can take as evidence. Giving them consent to go on a fishing expedition can only hurt you. Don't do it. -
Stay aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. -
Keep your car locked always. And Lock your car as soon as you get inside. -
Mind your business and watch your back. -
If you are in another country & the locals are running, you run too. Example: Indonesia & the tsunami. -
When someone hits you up for something/tries to engage you in a scammy way in a public place, the best thing to do is not respond at all. Pretend they don’t exist. It’s cold but it’s your best option and all they really deserve. Even just saying “sorry no” can sometimes provoke a response or follow up with the more aggressive ones. And ffs I promise you they don’t have a job interview/sick relative in the hospital/etc that they need to get to. It really blows my mind how many intelligent urban dwelling people I know still say “Well what if they really did the help?” -
Know when to leave. Is your friend getting too drunk? Leave. Is the room getting too crowded? Leave. Are you feeling too intoxicated? Leave. Someone bothering you too much? Leave. Anything that doesn’t feel right, just leave. -
Look confident, don't be dumb. -
If a random guy says, “Hey man you want to see something?” You don’t. You don’t want to see something. -
If you think you’re being followed, never go straight home. Have heard of being told to make 4 consecutive same-direction turns. If they’re still behind you they’re following you. -
Look like you know where you're going. -
Not so much street, but general advice an uncle gave me when I was a teen starting to party: If you're already in bed and someone invites you out, decline and stay in bed. It's eerie how many fights, crashes, and drama I avoided, because I stayed in bed. -
99% of fights start because someone said something offensive to the wrong people. Be careful to not run your mouth around people you don't know. Real life doesn't always play out like social media. -
If there are kids playing in the street when you walk into a shop, but the street is empty when you walk outside 5 minutes later, go back inside. -
Even if you are a tourist, don’t look and act like a tourist. -
If someone ask you for a lighter, you don’t smoke. -
If you get arrested, shut the f**k up. -
Everybody snitches when facing 25 to life. Don't do the crime unless you're willing to do the time. -
Don't flash your money, especially in bars. -
Don't get in the van. I don't care how many 10mm sockets they say are in the van, IT'S A LIE! -
If someone arguing with you is standing close to you and they look away from you, you are about to get sucker punched. -
Look with your eyes, not your head. -
No matter how well you think you fight, you NEVER know if the other guy has a knife. Being stabbed is indescribable. The pain lasts for weeks and you can still feel it in the cold months later. Walking away, or running away is always your best form of self defense. Some may call you a coward. I'd rather be a coward and smart than dead and stupid. -
If you find yourself in a street fight the point isn’t to win, but to escape. It only takes one nasty fall on concrete to f**k up your entire life. Do whatever it takes to get out. -
Don’t put yourself in bad situations from the very beginning. If you've never been in the hood, stay the f**k outta there. You can’t lose money if you never brought any. Don’t leave your laptop in the car. Don’t park your car there at all. -
If you have the choice to keep yapping or walk away. Walk. -
Look both ways before you cross one.
- 26 Tips to Help You Through Dangerous Situations
- 32 People Who Decided To Make Their Lives Harder
Never do more than 1 illegal thing at a time.