25 Pieces of Advice We Wish We Could Give Our Teenage Selves
They say hindsight is always 20/20. And that's especially true when it comes to our teenage memories.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your teenage self? Here is the best advice that we could find according to Reddit users.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your teenage self? Here is the best advice that we could find according to Reddit users.
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Get checked out for ADHD, try harder in school, focus more on music than sports, and lift some weights. -u/OneHandedPaperHanger -
Don't marry her. Someone who thinks every problem is your fault and never sees her part in things is someone who's never going to be able to love you in a meaningful way. -u/meddlingbarista -
When you get your first job out of college, please put 15% in retirement. -u/RedheadedMermaid980 -
Your parents don't actually know what the hell they're talking about most of the time. -u/dragonfiremalus -
Being a nerd may be painful in high school, but it more than pays off in college and as an adult. Just embrace your geekiness! -u/Muchnowless -
Follow your dream course, and not what others told you. Asian problems. -u/CakeDramatic4155 -
Just ask her out now so you can love her longer. She is the one you end up with anyway in 25 years and it’s great. -u/BmwM5racer -
My 16-year-old self would not listen to a damn thing I have to say. -u/Sector_Independent -
He’s not the one but just enjoy your time with him while it lasts. -u/cinnamontingles -
I don't even feel much smarter than you right now. Can't give you any advice really. -u/owjfaigs222 -
We go bald just like Dad. Grow your hair long right now while you still can. -u/Thirty_Helens_Agree -
This girl with the blonde hair is flirting with you. Also there's a cool looking stick in the grass nearby, get it before your brother does. -u/Lenka420 -
Stop being such a wallflower. Tell that girl in your German class you're interested in her. -u/GrumpyCatStevens -
Start saving whilst your life is cheap. It will buy things later down the road. -u/RickOxlarge -
Get your Eagle Project done now. Oh and also, cancer is f*cking hell. Get ready. -u/Weak_Carpenter_7060 -
Cool it with the booze and drugs dumba**. It's gonna get you in a whole heap of trouble. -u/Jondajonda -
Leicester wins the Premier League with Claudio Ranieri as their manager. Also don't go to music college playing an instrument you hate, you absolute sausage roll. -u/uwu-lmao-xD -
Strap yourself in boy. From here on out it’s going to be a b*tch. -u/jakeblutarski -
Stop letting your self-consciousness/fear of not being good enough, or perfect get in the way of you truly living your life and making many good memories to look back on later in life. Because looking back you’ll realize that the majority of people don’t really care/wouldn’t have criticized you as much as you thought they would.
Your life is yours to live, so live it for you and not based on anyone else’s opinion because you only get one chance at this life, you can’t rewind. You’re only young once so try to make the most of it and enjoy it because memories and regret are the only things that last. -u/Ungodly_Goddess -
No, that dude on Discord is not the love of your life. -u/finchyem -
You’re getting severely depressed, get help. -u/Noodlesandwings -
You and your mom will email back and forth every single day that you’re away at college. All four years. Print out EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE from her and save it. She’s going to die two years after you graduate. You will wish you had those emails to look back on. -u/quivx -
Don’t buy things with the bitcoin you received. Save it. -u/G6LE -
Stop using random lotions or whatever you can get your hands on for lube and for god's sake. Go pee after sex! I would have saved myself from a lot of UTIs if I hadn’t been a dumba**. -u/Soggy_Ambition3348 -
Take a chance. Any chance. Just do something. Also, take care of your body and stop pushing yourself to your limits. Sincerely, your 31-year-old boring and broken body. -deleted user
- 55 Rambunctious Randoms to Rule the Day With
Get checked out for ADHD, try harder in school, focus more on music than sports, and lift some weights. -u/OneHandedPaperHanger