Jerk Begs for Fancy Tesla for His Wedding Then...
- Dude posts on facebook about needing a car for his...
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This Craigslist Ad For A Toyota Avalon Doesn't Care...
- I wasn't even in the market to buy a car before I read...
10 Times Hackerman was Real With These Insane Real...
- These guys pulled of some of the most intricate and...
29 Gravity Defying Photos That Would Make Sir Isaac...
- Show these to your physics teacher to get an A in the...
21 Pieces of Art that Paint the Sad State of Humanity
- Satirical illustrations that hold a mirror up to the...
13 Ways to Obliterate the Goddamn Sun Before it...
- Tell that bastard sun to f*ck off with this nifty...
"Ultimate" Padlock has Infuriating Design Flaw
- From a world where screwdrivers are scarce comes this...
What Happens to Your Corpse When You Donate Your Body...
- It might not go the way you thought.
37 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Think
- A collection of fascinating things about our amazing...
12 Concept Cars You've Probably Never Heard Of
- Inspired designs from the world of automotive...
31 Clever Pieces of Contraband Found in Prisons
- Inmates have created some pretty interesting stuff.
25 Designs That Go Above and Beyond
- Examples of situations where designers knew what to...
17 Smart Designs That Should Have Been Around Sooner
- Designers that really deserve the money they earn.
34 Car Memes to Give You a Jump Start
- Traffic sucks, but these car memes don't!
16 Functions of Popular Products That You Didn't Know...
- You may learn something.
16 Things with Useful Purposes You Might Not Know About
- You've probably never even googled these things.
The Stories Behind These 25 Photos Will Leave You In...
- An in-depth look at some of the most amazing photos...
15 Things You Probably Don't Know How to Use
- These people who didn't know what they were looking at.
22 Simple Inventions That are Smart
- inventions that may inspire the genius inside of you
26 Cool Creations of Clever Craftiness
- Puns come to life as brilliant people put their ideas...
'Unbalanced' Man is Discovered to Have Huge Pocket of...
- An 84-year-old man's entire left side was weakened by...
24 Unbelievable Effects of Time
- Photographs that show the speed of time.
20 Amazing Ways Music Affects the Human Body
- Did you know what kind of an impact music had on these...
25 Car Memes So Hot They Smell Of Burning Rubber
- Get in, there's no time to explain!
Interesting Facts about Color That Will Open Your Eyes
- Gain a new perspective on color and our perception of...
33 Wifi Network Names That Will Make You Chuckle
- These hilarious wifi setups will connect with you.
7 Of The Greatest Breakthroughs Of 2017
- Amazing advancements and discoveries made by Science...
50 of the Greatest Inventions from Each State
- Arguably the best invention to come out of every US...
15 Car Roasts That Burn To The Core
- A funny new take on the popular "insult me" movement.
22 Fascinating Facts That Will Entertain Your Brain
- A collection of interesting factoids to help expand...
YouTube Repair Guy Calls Apple On Their Shit
- They do everything in their power to make your device...
25 Awesome Facts About Google Maps
- Do you find these awesome or scary?
19 Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind
- Amazing facts about the mysterious black void beyond...
34 Random Facts And Cool Pictures
- Entertaining information about the world around us.
Extreme Close-Ups of Everyday Things
- Take a closer look at the things you see and use...
34 Interesting Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
12 "Oh Sh*t" Driving Moments
- Sometimes your commute just doesn't go as planned.
The 14 Most Incredible Animals We Encountered in 2014
- We're discovering faster and faster that we know very...
Kids These Days Will Never Understand
- How things were done before today's high-tech devices...
22 Nifty Inventions To Make Life Easier
- These products and gadgets can make everyday life a...
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