24 Scientifically-Accurate Recreations of Dinosaurs...
- Okay, first scientists want to tell us that dinosaurs...
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30 Interesting Photos From Prehistoric Times
- Proof that nature has always been metal.
A Time Traveler’s Dream: 20 Historical Events We'd...
- You wouldn't be able to change history (we've seen...
16 Wild Facts that Might Shatter Your Perspective
- There's no doubt the world is truly an amazing and...
24 Beloved Kids’ Movies That We Forgot Existed
- As children, it feels like most of us watched the same...
21 Wondrous Thoughts for Wallowing in the Hot Shower...
- You wake up before your alarm goes off, put on a pot...
19 Fascinating Fossils From Pre-Historic Times
- Fossils offer a fascinating window into the past.
Jurassic Park Parody Account is Twitter Comedy Gold
- It's actually a pretty brilliant spoof of how dumb...
23 Dank 'History Channel at Night' Memes That Ridicule...
- Who doesn't love watching werid AF History channel...
29 Amusing Pictures to Keep You on Your Toes
- A collective of miscellaneous internet images.
6 Sea Monsters You Should Be Glad Are Extinct
- These beasts are made of nightmares.
Parents Bring Kids' Dinosaurs To Life
- It's Called "Dinovember". The kids wake up to a new...
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