26 Wild Statistics You Probably Didn't Know
- The world is full of fascinating facts, you just have...
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20 Famous People from History Who Are Still Alive and...
- Nope, we promise that these people aren't dead. Thanks...
20 Historical Facts That Are Just Plain False
- So we've collected some well-known historical facts...
Hard to Swallow: 36 Truths and Uncomfortable Facts...
- Stuff you probably shouldn't forget.
20 Common Facts That Are Total Nonsense
- We hear them all the time. Quips and factoids that...
34 Tidbits of Information and General Knowledge...
- Check out this list of things that while you may or...
30 Interesting Facts to Scratch Your Brain Itch
- The world is full of knowledge, you just have to know...
16 Unsettling Facts Burdened with Too Much Knowledge
- Stuff you just may not want to know.
22 Quick Facts To Up Your Brain Game
- Check out this batch of odd, interesting, and cool...
28 Fascinating Facts About Popular Movies
- A collection of odd, interesting, and cool facts and...
28 Times Someone Tried to Warn Us All, But Was...
- If only people had listened.
28 Random Facts To Fill That Beautiful Melon Of Yours...
- Facts you didn't expect to hear to clog your cranium.
19 Facts That Sound Crazy But Are Totally True
- The world is full of all kinds of fascinating and...
F**k That Friday: 33 Pics that are Cursed
- Some real nightmare fuel to keep you awake at night.
24 Facts That Could Save Your Life
- You'd better be prepared for anything.
21 Stranger Than Fiction Tidbits and Interesting Info
- A collection of stranger than fiction sounding facts...
30 Fascinating Facts to Cram Into Your Cranium
- Take a break from the day and dive into this...
25 Truths That Are Hard to Argue With
- These may make you stop and think.
22 Fascinating Facts To Make Your Head Spin
- Facts that will change the way you see the world.
33 Wild Facts for a WTF Wednesday
- Check out this collection of odd and fascinating facts...
30 Real Facts That Sound Fake
- You may have a hard time believing them.
23 Relatable Work Memes For When You Can't Stand It...
- They won't make your job better, but they'll give you...
20 Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life
- Some of these might be good to know.
40 Memes That Only Tell the Truth
- These memes tell the facts of life as they are.
37 Random but Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't...
- Take a gander at some interesting, strange, creepy,...
20 Intriguing Facts from the Darker Side of Life
- We've collected some of the most intriguing facts, but...
30 Straight Up Lies and Falsehoods We All Have Been...
- The biggest deceits ever sold to the public.
24 Facts And Beliefs That Are Actually False
- Common beliefs that aren't really true.
25 Real Life Cheat Codes That Actually Work
- Life hacks that could really help you out.
22 Basic Facts a Scary Amount of People Don't Know
- People really need to learn these things.
25 Wild Facts about the Life of Isaac Newton
- Isaac Newton was a genius who transformed our world....
25 Facts You Didn't Know About the Roman Empire
- The Roman Empire changed the face of the world as we...
25 Facts That Might Blow Your Mind
- These facts might blow your mind, and the people's...
18 People Who Were Confidently Incorrect
- At least they believed in themselves. Maybe too much.
20 Work Related Life-Hacks That Are Worth Keeping in...
- People learn many nifty tricks on working the system.
20 Crazy Adult-Swim Facts That'll Entertain Your Inner...
- The Adult-Swim of today is very different from what it...
28 Fun Randoms to Pique Your Interest
- Funny pictures, images, memes and photos.
19 Fascinating Graphs and Interesting Charts to Take In
- A completely random smattering of data graphics that...
You're Being Lied To: 22 Food Myths and Misconceptions...
- A collection of "facts" and common beliefs around food...
30 Unsettling Facts Here to Haunt You
- These might unsettle you just a little bit, but don't...
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