Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
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19 Things Women Want Men to Understand
- Men and women are very different creatures. Apart...
20 Samples of Women Writing Male Characters and the...
- If we're being honest, the stereotypes run both ways....
10 Hottest Female Mascots That We Totally Have a Crush...
- So what if they aren't real, a guy can dream. We've...
25 Turn Offs to Avoid on Your Next Date
- Have you been striking out with women? Maybe you were...
Comparing Female Video Game Armor and Real Armor
- Armor is a mainstay of video games, especially RPGs....
Rude Customer Insists on Speaking to a Man, Gets His...
- You'd think in 2020 we'd be past this kinda stupidity...
Female Streamer Receives a Strange Sexual Request
- Dude was apparently going around asking EVERYBODY for...
Men Who Fail At Female Anatomy (24 Pics)
- These guys just don't understand women at all.
25 People Who Really Don't Understand Female Anatomy
- ... That's not how it works. That's not how any of...
34 Guys Who Know Nothing About The Female Body
- The only women these guys have any experience with are...
16 Older Female Celebrities Without Makeup Who Still...
- Women who weren't afraid to bare their face. Granted...
19 Flight Attendants Share Their Out of Work...
- The unsung heroes of the sky having a bit of fun off...
30 Gender Switched Cosplays are Pretty Cool
- When females dress up as male characters and vice...
30 Gender Switched Cosplays are Pretty Cool
- When females dress up as male characters and vice...
9 Things Women Invented That Changed The World
- You use some of these things every single day.
18 Interesting Facts About Female Orgasms
- ...Every woman (And man) should know!
25 Horrible Cringe Posts From The Self-proclaimed...
- We all know the so-called "nice guys" but it turns out...
Power of Makeup Gender Bender Edition
- Real life transformations.
16 Badass Babes With Banging Mugshots
- The badass babes might just break your heart.
44 Fabulous Photos Of Female Archers
- These sexy badasses prove it's not just a man's sport!
Firefighter Gunn Narten Is Hotter Than The Fires She...
- Gunn Narten broke the mold and followed her dreams of...
Excellent Examples Depicting Why Women Frustrate Men
- Female logic that will probably offend and possibly...
Slob Changes Lifestyle For Female Company
- A guy will do anything for the possibility of hooking...
14 People That Don't Understand "Equality"
- With everyone fighting for equality, it is important...
13 Reasons You Should Be Having More Sex
- Looking for a way to appear younger? Look no further...
10 Facts You Should Know About Female Serial Killers
- The stats about lady killers are as interesting as...
10 Wrestlers Who Did Porn
- Female and male wrestlers who were naughty outside of...
24 Amazing Female Body Transformations
- It's astounding what a little determination can do!
17 Male And Female Celebs Who Look Alike
- I know Hollywood is incestuous, but this is ridiculous.
Guy Hilariously Recreates Tinder Pics
- He takes pictures of female tinder users and adds his...
15 Of The Richest Female Pornstars
- An ascending list of the top earners in the Adult...
Female Soldiers From Around The World
- Military personnel that break stereotypes of only ugly...
27 Examples of Female Logic
- A guide to help men better understand females.
The Perfect Fit
- A collection of things that fit perfectly together.
28 Examples Of Female Logic
- A collection of images dedicated to the phenomenon...
Vandalism With A Purpose
- Hilarious ways of vandalizing everyday things to make...
Hot To Not
- Pictures Of Female Celebrities Going From Sexy To Ugly...
Falthor's Amazing Ass Gallery 1
- a tribute to my second favorite female Body part
eBaum's Picks