70's Justice League Heroes Imagined by A.I.
- Take a look at what Artificial Intelligence thinks...
Media galleries
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Woman Fired From Job She Loves By Clueless Boss Exacts...
- The story of a woman whose inept manager ended her...
21 Petty People Who Got The Pettiest of Revenge
- Don't be mean to others... people might retaliate.
Right to the Garbage Compactor: 40 Times The Universe...
- Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people...
25 Facts You Didn't Know About the Roman Empire
- The Roman Empire changed the face of the world as we...
19 Ex-Cons Share Habits They Still Have From Prison
- Ex-Cons share the prison habits they couldn't shake.
27 Savage Memes Not For the Sensitive Sallys
- People are too easily offended these days and if you...
6 Sastisfying Stories of People Who Got Their Petty...
- These people got their sweet revenge in the best way.
25 Signs That Our Future Is Doomed
- Most of us try to remain optimistic from day to day....
30 Righteous Times When Justice Was Served
- It's hard to keep faith when everything around you...
25 Movies and Shows That Are A Complete Waste Of Time
- The holidays are nearly here. And that means time with...
Rude Guest Tries to Ruin Desk Clerk's Life Because...
- People who try to ruin other people's lives just for...
Guy Teaches Snobby Aunt Who Tormented His Family a...
- Karma always comes for you in the end.
17 Times Vigilante Justice Actually Seemed Fitting
- Sometimes, the law alone just can't provide the...
23 Times that Justice Was Served Correctly
- Karma gets it right sometimes.
Scumbags Buying Up and Reselling Hand Sanitizer Get...
- Matt and Noah found themselves in the headlines for...
Times Karma Was a B****
- These folks got what they deserved.
17 Times Internet Warriors Took Things A Step Too Far
- In a world on fire, only the insane are the sane ones.
19 Times People Took Things Too Far
- This ain't it chief!
20 Restaurants Who Got Justice On Internet Trolls
- These people clapped back at these angry reviews....
Cell Phone Thief Attempts To Rob MMA Fighter Polyana...
- A Brazilian man quickly discovered he made a HUGE...
20 People Destroyed By Their Own Logic
- These self-owns will forever live in the Internet hall...
Woman Sends iTunes Scammer Through the Wringer
- Does this mean she wins?
The Story of a Stolen Bike is a Real Page Turner
- The internet came together to get a stolen bike back...
36 Cringeworthy Pics So Bad They're Good
- A fresh dose of pics that will make you feel awkward....
28 Times Keyboard Warriors Failed Hard Online
- That awkward moment when you start to choke on all...
Twitter Idiot Gets Rekt After Making The Dumbest Tweet...
- It's so stupid that it's hard to believe this isn't a...
Hilarious Times When Social Justice Warriors Went Too...
- Proof that some people aren't happy unless they're...
21 Times Social Media Went Too Far
- You hear that ladies? If your man doesn't love you...
A Husband's Plea For Justice For His Fired Wife Goes...
- The internet rallies around a recently terminated...
Social Justice Warrior Gets Destroyed With A Simple GIF
- This girl tried to call out H&M for having specially...
36 Satisfying Pictures Of Sweet Parking Lot Revenge
- Who hasn't wanted to get back at the parking lot...
Satisfying Moments Of Justice Being Served
- 15 Hilarious proofs that Karma can be a real b*tch!
Scumbag Gets Arrested Attempting To Have Sex With...
- He was sentenced to 15 months in prison.
26 Times People Fought For Causes in The Exact Wrong...
- These people strongly feel about what they know very...
26 Times People Fought For Causes in The Exact Wrong...
- These people strongly feel about what they know very...
12 People So Sensitive, You Already Hurt Their Feelings
- How do these people go outside when literally...
McDonald's Tries to Charge The Wrong Guy 10¢ for...
- Greg does NOT play like that.
9 Cheaters Served Instant Karma
- Ultra satisfying stories of cheaters who got busted!
16 Random Pics to Make You Smile
- Don't quit now! The internet isn't finished yet!
eBaum's Picks