Dude Attempts To Make His Ex-girlfriend Jealous And It...
- When trying to make an ex jealous you're supposed to...
Media galleries
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15 Facebook Comebacks That Are Sure To Leave A Mark
- There are some real heroes out there calling people on...
A Hilarious Story of Accidental Rascism
- Learning about race through a story about a young boy...
A Brutally Honest Sticky Note Guide To Life
- Chaz Huton makes sticky notes about the everyday...
The Best Of: You're Going To Go Hell For This
- If you think these are bad, you should see the ones I...
How Wide Is Hurricane Matthew?
- Hurricane Matthew is 175 miles wide, with an area of...
Grandmas That Are Straight Up Savage
- Ouch, these chicks are brutal!
26 Perfectly Timed Photos
- A gallery full of captivating pictures captured at the...
10 People Who Fell Victim To A Vicious Roasting
- This roaster uses sketches instead of words to inflict...
25 Things Guaranteed To Happen When You Move In With...
- This is when you truly get to know someone.
Some Of The Worst Tanning Fails Ever
- And you thought Trump was bad!
Photos Captured Right Before Disaster Strikes
- Disaster in 3... 2... 1...
24 People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You
- It's nice to be reminded that other people suffer too.
21 People Getting Absolutely Owned
- Watching people getting hurt is what the internet is...
Woman Offers Cops Oral Sex to Avoid Tickets
- Offering sexual favors to three different police...
37 Perfectly Timed Photos
- Images that trick your mind.
Hump Day Pic Dump
- A mix of funny, wtf, and fails to get you through the...
32 Hilarious Gordon Ramsay Insults
- Gordon delivers the truth... with a harsh dose of...
23 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Check out a fresh batch of natural selection at work.
McDonald's Items That Were Huge Failures
- Menu items failed miserably and are now extinct.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week with a fresh batch of randomness!
29 Times People Just Didn't Get It
- An assortment of people trying and failing.
13 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Remember that time you forgot to think?
20 People Who Are About To Be Injured
- These folks are about to get a huge serving of hurt.
28 People Getting Owned Online
- People on social media that have to be rushed to the...
28 People on The Internet Who Got Burned
- Here's a collection of people on the internet that...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness.
When Life Kicks You When You're Down
- When you're having a bad day, and things gets even...
Shining Examples Of Human Stupidity
- Witness natural selection at work!
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
21 Animals That Immediately Regretted Their Decisions
- Their sorrow is so adorable.
21 People Who Probably Died
- These people like to live dangerously.
25 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Common sense nor logic has a place in these peoples...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
What Does It Really Feel Like To Be Shot?
- Better to find out here than out there.
23 GIFs Of Kids Failing
- A hilarious collection of children acting like drunken...
33 GIFs Of Girls Who Just Can't...
- These ladies did try... but unfortunately they failed.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
eBaum's Picks