21 of the Greatest Movie Props and the Fascinating...
- What inspired these iconic props?
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14 Crazy Stories From Groupies Who Slept With Their...
- Sleeping with a famous rock star is something many...
12 Pics That Will Make Your Emotions Peak
- From the unthinkable to the unimaginable, the camera...
15 People Who Have Been Blackmailed Share Their Insane...
- It seems sort of scary and also just like, really,...
16 Students Describe Their Best 'Worth It' Detention...
- These people sure did earn their detentions.
24 Strange Insurance Claims (That Were Probably...
- Funny stories and odd situations people have gotten...
20 People Who've Won A Lifetime Supply Contest
- Prepare yourself for a lifetime supply of jealousy.
Top 12 Most Embarrassing Company Christmas Party...
- If there was ever a time to drink responsibly it's...
25 Random Acts Of Kindness By Strangers
- Sometimes all the world needs is a little people...
People Share Their Creepiest Ghost Stories
- After you read some of these stories, you'll think...
Tragic Overdose Stories That Will Put You On The...
- The sad tales of people who pushed their drug...
People Share Stories of Coworkers Who Got Fired on Day...
- Following these examples will get you a one-way...
14 Groupies Share Their Celebrity Hookup Stories
- Being rich and famous has a few perks, and sex with...
Women Share Great Stories of ‘Accidental Orgasms’
- Thanks for sharing ladies.
Sick and Twisted Funeral Stories
- Those calm and gentle funeral directors are not always...
15 People Share The Craziest Sh*t They've Seen At A...
- It's party stories like this that'll make you rethink...
15 People Who Got Fired For Bullshit Reasons
- And you thought your boss was a dick.
Uber Drivers Describe Their Craziest Nights On The Job
- Imagine all the crazy things you'd see driving
18 Hilarious And WTF News Headlines
- Sometimes a crime is so ridiculous it diminishes the...
25 Robbery Stories That Are Just Plain Amusing
- Ridiculous stories about burglars and a few bungled...
25 Robbery Stories That Are Just Plain Amusing
- Ridiculous stories about burglars and a few bungled...
15 Liars Who Gave Us A Bullsh*t Story
- People trying to slip one by us, but fail miserably.
Stories From People Who Got Wasted
- good times were had
21 Horror Films Inspired By Real Events
- Make sure you lock your doors, you never know whose...
10 of The Worst Drunken Tattoo Stories
- That's gotta suck!
12 Brave Men Who Escaped the Friend Zone
- Guys tell us how they escaped the friend zone.
15 Headlines Full of WTF
- We dare you to try not to laugh.
11 Waiters And Bartenders Share Awkward Date Stories
- It's good to see what level of awkwardness people are...
10 Incredible Stories About Waking Up
- we hope to start the day revitalized and refreshed,...
10 AirBnB Horror Stories
- These stories will make you reconsider using Air BnB.
10 People Who Cheated Death
- Remarkable stories from people who escaped the...
9 Funny Stories Behind Iconic Movie Scenes
- Cool movie facts you probably didn't know.
8 Crazy But True Celebrity Stories
- Unbelievable but verified stories!
15 Breakup Stories Shared On Social Media
- Some breakups suck more than others...
19 Insane Things Ex-Lovers Have Done
- Proof that breakups and people are crazy.
11 Spine-Chilling, Strange Stories
- Life is scarier than any movie.
21 Creepy Things People Heard Kids Say
- What if you heard a kid saying terrifying things like...
15 of the Worst Hangover Stories Ever
- People share the stories of their worst hangover ever.
23 Stories So Strange You Won’t Believe They Are True
- Strange, funny, and W.T.F. stories that are actually...
13 Kids Who Said The Most Terrifying Things
- If you plan on sleeping tonight, maybe this isn't the...
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