25 Normal Things That You Don't Realize Are Scams
- The year 2022 is full of scams that people usually...
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25 Things That Should Be Illegal But Aren't
- Many horrible things in this world need to stop. It's...
Hikers Encounter Strange Being in The Wild, Regret It...
- Two friends camping out in the wilderness claim to...
Dude Cheats on GF after She Saves His Life
- This is a whole new level of relationship drama.
30 Disturbing Facts About The Ocean
- These just might give you the creeps.
Fresh Pics And Memes For The Exquisite Minds
- These memes are like the prince of Bel Air. The...
30 People Share Secrets Now That Their NDAs Have...
- Things you're not supposed to know.
24 Examples of Impressively Stupid Things That People...
- It's not easy being dumb, despite what you may think.
The Funniest and Dankest Tweets of the Week
- If there is one thing that Twitter takes seriously,...
30 Neckbeard Posts That Should Be Burned in Fire
- This might be too much cringe to handle
26 Freaky Pics and Facts to Terrify Your Soul
- You may not want to know this stuff.
Employees Forced to Work July 4th Rewarded with $6K...
- Want to get revenge on your boss? This story is the...
18 of Life's Little Things That Really Infuriated...
- Some stuff that really got under people's skin.
18 of Life's Little Things That Really Infuriated...
- Some stuff that really got under people's skin.
16 Celebrities With Criminal Pasts
- Famous people who broke the law and paid the price.
20 Gaming Pics And Memes To Beat The Boss Of Boredom
- Boredom - the toughest boss to defeat.
Our Storied Past: 29 Historical Photos That Need a Bit...
- Times are always changing, but in a lot of ways...
Gym Influencer Commands Guy to Stop Mid-Workout So She...
- Just more proof that influencers are the absolute...
24 Facts About Cleopatra History Couldn't Hide
- Cleopatra left behind more than a legacy. She also...
People Reveal Secrets from Different Jobs They’ve...
- Most of us assume everyone else in the world has a...
25 Things That Need to Go Away ASAP
- Let's all agree to ban these immediately.
Things Men Will Do Instead of Going to Therapy
- It takes a lot for men to admit they need some help....
20 Rare Facts and Findings You Probably Never Heard Of
- Your chance to actually learn something new.
Manager Mistakes Customer for Interviewee and Reveals...
- Nothing like accidentally revealing that your business...
16 Celebs Who Don’t Deserve a Second Chance
- Just in case anybody forgot.
16 People Who Did Not Need to Leave a Comment
- You don't need to share everything, and we would have...
EMT Blocks Cop From Getting To His Terrified Wife,...
- In a beautiful turn of malicious compliance, a woman...
Dudes Trying to Flirt through Roleplay Is New Level...
- What dude thought this was a good way to flirt with...
Unhinged Client Thinks He Can Keep Video After Refund,...
- Here we have a story from the murky, confusing waters...
Let's Do This, Leeeeeroy Jenkins: 36 Memes and Pics...
- Don't wait for your team to form up.
28 Pics Filled With NOPE
- Things that not many people want.
Monday Morning Randomness - User Edition Kenku
- Start Your 4th of July with a fresh batch of delicious...
17 Internet Liars That No One Is Believing
- No one is buying the B.S. these clowns are peddling...
25 Crazy Laws That Really Do Exist
- Crazy laws and rules you might not have known were...
Entitled Neighbor Unhappy with Free Lawn Care, Gets a...
- Ask and you shall (not) receive.
Cringeworthy Tinder Openers That Will Fuel Your Dating...
- These opening lines prove that romance is dead as a...
Karen Demands Neighbor Pay Vet Bills After Her Dog Ate...
- So let's get this story straight here. Your dog came...
19 Wild Facts About Any and Everything
- Ignorance might be bliss for these knowledge nuggets.
22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
17 Choosy Beggars and Entitled People Who Think The...
- Some people live in a world of their own imagination.
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