TikTok Cosplayer Yandere Freak Charged With Manslaughter After Accidentally Shooting Her Friend
Peter Rapine
Mary Ann Oliver-Snow of Houston Texas who goes by the moniker Yandere Freak on TikTok was arrested on January 18th, 2021 in connection with the shooting death of her high school friend.
Snow who was bonded out on $20,000 bail is set to appear in court on October 21st to determine if she will plead guilty or if her case will be sent to trial.
Snow who was bonded out on $20,000 bail is set to appear in court on October 21st to determine if she will plead guilty or if her case will be sent to trial.
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Mary Ann Oliver-Snow told police that the shooting death of her friend was an accident that occurred while, “they were drinking.” Snow went on to elaborate for police that the group of friends were watching ‘Gotham” a show following James Gordon’s rise a detective in Batman’s home Gotham City. -
And while watching the show, one of the friends claimed they, “had a gun like Penguin does.” What started as a joke ended tragically, as one of her friends asked, “oh, shoot me”, to which Snow pointed and pull the trigger, not knowing the gun was loaded. -
The gun apparently belonged to Snow’s ex-boyfriend, though it is uncertain if that is true or not. What is certain is that the girls believed the bullets and magazine had been removed, which they hadn’t. -
The reason this story is blowing up now, some eight months after the incident is Snow continued to post on her social media channels. -
Many of her followers began to call her out for her seeming lack of remorse, which eventually lead her to take her TikTok account private. -
Snow is due to appear in court on October 21st to determine wether Snow will plead guilty or if her case with go to trial.
- TikTok Cosplayer Yandere Freak Charged With Manslaughter After Accidentally Shooting Her Friend
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Mary Ann Oliver-Snow told police that the shooting death of her friend was an accident that occurred while, “they were drinking.” Snow went on to elaborate for police that the group of friends were watching ‘Gotham” a show following James Gordon’s rise a detective in Batman’s home Gotham City.