28 Professions that Attract the Worst Kinds of People
There are thousands of jobs and careers to choose from in life. There is also a virtually unlimited variety of the people who chose certain careers as well as the reasons they chose them. From politicians to police, HR to Real Estate, these various careers seem to appeal the most to some of the worst people among us.
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There are thousands of jobs and careers to choose from in life. There is also a virtually unlimited variety of the people who chose certain careers as well as the reasons they chose them. From politicians to police, HR to Real Estate, these various careers seem to appeal the most to some of the worst people among us. -
The Paparazzi. The entitlement they have to be all up in someone's business and personal space is appalling and even dangerous at times. -
MLMs. From the scummy people who run them to the more than eager swindlers looking to make a quick buck at the expense of friends and families. -
Hollywood producer it seems. Over and over and over. -
Human resources. Usually do the complete opposite of what's it's intended for. Always the absolute worst sort of people, only there to protect the company. -
Lawyers. 99% of all lawyers give the rest of them a bad name. -
Tow truck drivers. At least 80% of all the tow truck drivers I've met have been felons, and about 98% have been shady as can be. -
Bouncers. I swear those people are always looking to create trouble so they can exercise their right to fight. -
Real Estate Companies. Especially those who buy up all the housing opportunities they can find. Either to rent the properties out as air bnb or to not have to work themselves and use their properties to pay their own bills. -
Nursing. Not all nurses are mean girls, but all mean girls are nurses. -
Oil field workers . They might not start off bad , but after being around each other and away from their families , they become total monsters and often live double lives. -
My mum worked in a prison. She said that a lot of the men in there for sex offences against children had/were looking for jobs like driving ice cream vans, dressing as Santa at shopping centres etc as they liked kids sitting on their laps etc. Apparently it's way more common than people would think. -
CEO. Occupation with the most true psychopaths. -
Crypto or anything marketed as get rich quick. Typically a scam and usually results in "stealing" money from people who aren't savvy in the space. -
I thought I wanted to be an architect… but then I met a bunch of architects. And architecture students. And architecture professors. And they were pretty much all jerks. It was weird. I mean… how could it be so consistent? But there ya have it. -
Home Owners Associations. Annoying people, greed, nonsensical fees, the list goes on and on. -
Sales. I swear to God, salesmen have an uncanny knack for justifying immoral decisions.
Maybe it's because it's so frequently paid in piece rate so they will quite literally do/say anything to get the sale, even if it's 100% false, but wOw salesmen seem like they would sell their mom to the devil for a quarter if given the opportunity. -
I’m a casino dealer. People losing money brings out the worst qualities in them. Especially when I deal high limit games. Plus the pit boss/supervisors won’t throw a person out who is literally spending thousands. Doesn’t matter what they do or say. The casino doesn’t want to lose those kinds of patrons. They’re catered to. They can be so awful to the dealers. The job has made me look at humanity in a completely different light lol.
Pro relationship tip: Bring a date to the casino and see how they treat the dealer if they’re losing. You’ll see what kind of person they really are. I have about 10 years of experience in the industry. -
Ok so not really a profession but… there is a certain subset of musicians who are also wannabe influencers… particular people who are very on twitter. so back-stabby and clout hungry. -
Investment banking. Not all of them are terrible but to be successful it's beneficial to be a complete c*nts. -
Upper Management in Health Insurance. I think you’d have to be pretty much garbage to be a health insurance executive in the U.S., always looking for ways to deny people coverage. -
Elementary School Front Desk Administrator. The trouble is the sh*t they see. My sweet as pie mother was one — and the number of non-custody parents who tried to check out a kid they had no right to take (and would get violent or aggressive when she said “I can’t let you by law”), or the number of absolute psychos who would try to sneak their way in to the school, or the number of parents who didn’t come to pick up their kid for HOURS after school ended and she had to decide between traumatizing the kid by calling the police or sitting there for hours after her shift ended to ensure the kid wasn’t alone outside the office… dude, the job is rough. -
“Reality” TV. Seems to attract the most self absorbed and entitled people.. makes sense I guess. -
Stockbrokers. I have some friends who are stockbrokers. I love them, but man, they are some bullshit artists. And not like, "Oh, they're a good salesman, and could sell you anything," No, it's like they make shit up as they go along and try to sound confident in what they say. -
Intelligent people in very niche areas, with no consideration for the real world and social interaction, whilst simultaneously being told they are the best in the world at certain specific subject areas (which is true, but just not as many people care as academics think they do). You end up with an unnecessarily toxic environment of people trying to intellectually one up each other and throw anyone off the ladder on their way up.
It's a cruel, nasty, petty, and poisonous environment. -
Substance abuse mental health professionals seem to fall into one of the following categories: a) wonderful, angelic and highly competent souls who truly want to help drug addicts/alcoholics (they're maybe 20% of the counselors, optimistically); b) burnt-out incompetent/lazy/don't-care types (another 60%); or c) absolute personality-disordered, narcissistic/ Machiavellian sadistic types who really get off on the enormous power/control they have over the lives and fates of the people under their care (maybe another 20%). YMMV. The last group can do a LOT of damage. -
Law enforcement seems to have some problems... -
Trucking. Low barrier for entry. Very often attracts degenerates. -
Hairstylists! I am one and more often than not I meet other stylists who are super catty and stuck-up. Textbook mean girls. Thankfully I work in a spa where everyone has more of a “caregiver” focus so we all look out for each other.
- 28 Professions that Attract the Worst Kinds of People