Kid Freaks Over Computer Game
- This kid goes nuts when his older brother takes him...
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Guitar Hero
- You won't believe how ridiculous some of these people...
Video Game Evolution
- A history of video game consoles from 1972-Present....
Video Game Hotties
- Some of the hottest girls in gaming!
Cool Video Game Quilts
- Some nerds just have too much free time.
Video Game Character Tattoos
- Here are some pretty cool tattoos on the bodies of...
Mario Impossible Level
- Over 200 people recorded themselves attempting a...
Mario Glitch Level
- The only way to beat this custom Mario level is to...
Video Game Sounds
- Think you know video games? Take this test to see...
Nerdy Marching Band
- This nerdy marching band nails a few really tough...
Tetris Tesla
- The tetris song, as played by a tesla coil.
Karaoke Game
- Footage of a new video game where you score based on...
Ghosts in Photos
- Real or fake? You be the judge.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Soundboard 1
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Soundboard 1
Lazy Mario
- Kids these days have it too easy, in my day you had to...
40 Years of Gaming
- A great time line of video game systems throughout the...
Tesla Coil Plays Music
- Some guys use electricity to generate old video game...
Man VS Beast
- Man faces off against beast in this game of Wii Boxing.
Mario: Game Over
- This hilarious video shows us exactly what happened in...
- Is this really ghosts on the battlefield at Gettysburg?
Mirror Ghost
- The submitter of this video tells us that this girls...
Scorpion VS Ryu
- Now someone just needs to make a game where we can do...
Evolution of Games
- It is amazing to see how far video games have come in...
Ghost Girl
- Spooky ghost footage filmed in a graveyard.
Tecmo Super Bowl Run
- Bo Jackson is ridiculous on this game!
Kid Gamer
- He can't even see the screen without a booster seat!
Game Cube Smash
- A guy gets back at a whiney younger brother.
Angry Gamer
- This guy gets a little too heated over this game...
eBaum's Picks