Owl Cat
- Is this for real?
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Two Headed Animals
- Crazy freaks of nature.
What Pets Do When We're Away
- Wow to be a pampered pet.
Castle Cat
- Fun side scrolling game.
- Peg cats with a sling shot. Too much fun!
Cute Birdy
- Mother nature at her finest...
Talking Cats
- A video compilation of cats that sound like they are...
Cat Poop
- If only we could train all pets to do this...
Kitty Cat Dance
- Cat.. I'm a kitty Cat.. and I dance dance dance..
Here Kitty Kitty
- A rabbit showing a cat what it does best...
- Watch this cat head bang to some heavy metal.
Ford Sportka
- Evil car commercial. Cat lovers stay away!
Killer Cats
- These cats just don't get along.
- Classic: One of our all time favorite clips. Check out...
Tourettes Cat
- Guy takes his anger out on his little kitties.
Ultimate Cat Fighting
- Classic: Some creative dubbing makes this cat fight...
Well Trained Cat
- How did the cat's owners manage to do this?
Cat Food Binge
- This lady is NUTS!
Cat In Fan Nokia Ad
- Watch the famous cat in fan Nokia ad.
Evil Cat
- This cat is in league with the devil.
- Burn this song on a CD. It sounds great in the car.
Farting Cat
- Classic: Quite possibly the most irritating thing I...
Cat Freaks Out
- This is why they don't televise Cat Shows.
Cute Kitten
- Cute kitten snuggles up to a puppy.
Angry Cat
- This cat doesnt like being patronized.
Cat and Dog Eating
- I think it's safe to say that this cat was thinking...
Cat Poo
- If only all cats were this well trained.
Confusing the Cat
- This cat can't tell the difference between the real...
Barking Cat
- Is this cat.... barking?
Cat vs Kid
- Classic: This cat gets revenge.
eBaum's Picks