28 Out Of the Box Solutions to Solve Common Problems
- Solve your biggest headache without creating a new one.
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35 Fresh Pics and Memes From Clever Minds
- They like to think outside the box.
27 Funny People Too Clever For Their Own Good
- The internet is full of know-it-alls, smart alecks and...
30 Ingenious Designs and Cleverly Crafted Prodcuts
- People who think outside the box.
29 Evil Geniuses Too Smart For Their Own Good
- They might be too clever.
20 Creative Problem Solvers Who Think Outside The Box
- They really think outside the box, often times it's...
36 Cringe People Who Think They're Cool
- They probably think they're being rebellious or...
28 Times Vandalism Made Things Better
- Extremely polite and incredibly creative anarchy.
20 Clever and Out of the Box Solutions By Blue Collar...
- People who think outside the box.
22 Brutal Comments That Left a Mark
- These smackdowns were fully warranted.
Awesome Old School Inventions That We Need to Give...
- Some of these make a lot of sense.
30 Hilarious Cases of Accidental Comedy
- Sometimes the world just sets you up perfectly.
'I Never Thought of That' - 26 Clever People Solving...
- They really think outside the box.
30 Smarta**es Who Took Things Literally
- Check out this batch of people who took things...
26 Next Level Thinkers and People Who Pulled Real...
- These people make power moves only
32 Street Smart Tips That Could Help You Out
- These could potentially save your valuables or even...
29 Funny Cases Of Mild Vandalism
- Some small adjustments to make the world a better...
31 Clever People With A Sense Of Humor
- They take humor everywhere they go.
27 Examples of 'Clever Vandalism'
- Take a few minutes and check out these funny and...
Lady Uses Dress as Mask, We're Not Mad
- Modern problems require modern solutions.
20 Funny Pics of People With a Clever Sense Of Humor
- The world is full of people with all kinds of...
27 People Who Knew Exactly What They Were Doing
- Let's face it, these 'accidentally dirty' designs were...
Bennetville Lumberpatch Recites 'Greatest Cover Letter...
- Suffice it to say, the writer of this excellent letter...
32 Clever Loopholes People Found and Exploited
- These folks found a way to beat the system and you...
27 Vandals Who Had a Great Sense of Humor
- Vandalism can be super entertaining if it's not...
Gamer Defeats GF's Ultimatum With Ease
- It'll take more than your petty riddles to defeat me,...
29 Absolute Savage Brand Clapbacks That Did Not Miss
- Just because you're a brand account, doesn't mean that...
25 Best Insults You Will Ever Hear
- Whether in meatspace or online, you encounter plenty...
19 Cool Shower Thoughts to Expand Your Horizons
- Waste not want not.
17 Brilliantly Sophisticated Insults
- These are hands down the classiest way to tell someone...
21 Curious Solutions To Everyday Problems
- These could make your day so much easier.
18 Out-Of-The-Box Fixes That Might Come In Handy
- Necessity is the mother of invention.
27 Times Vandals Were Subtle but Effective
- Sometimes subtle is the way to go. Here are some...
25 Responses and Comebacks that Totally Nailed it
- A collection of funny, wtf, and sarcastic replies to...
34 Acts of Vandalism That Are Actually an Improvement
- Not every act of vandalism is a bad thing.
32 People Who Took Clever to the Next Level
- Creativity doesn't always come easy, and these people...
34 People Who Know Exactly What They're Doing
- An odd assortment of pictures to stay up late with.
20 Life Hacks to Skirt Through Life With
- These people are living life on easy mode.
Vince the Sign Guy Has Gained an Online Following Due...
- Thanks to Vince the Sign Guy, the Indian Hills...
30 Comebacks That Shut People Down
- They got put in their place.
eBaum's Picks