People On Reddit Say The Strangest Thing They've...
- People on Reddit have some crazy stories about what...
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Guy Freaks Out During Flight and Threatens Passengers...
- When the plane landed, local law enforcement boarded...
21 Funny AF Memes To Get You Through The Day
- Memes that are funny and hilarious. I know, how can...
Guys Starts Community Of People With Pencil Scars
- Apparently, this is more common than you think. People...
Woman Barely Escapes With Her Life As Giant Road Sign...
- This is a literal nightmare. A giant highway sign...
Woman Smashes Bus Window, Hits Man With Car
- Video shows a woman smash a bus window with a tire...
Lady Absolutely Loses Her Mind At Jet-Blue
- After being stuck at the airport for sometime this...
26 Pics Frozen in Perfect Timing
- If time is a flat circle does that make finding these...
Reporter From The 60s Asking If The Bikini Should Be...
- This Australian reporter asks people what they think...
Woman Finds Out That Sending 159,000 Texts Isn't Normal
- A Phoenix woman reportedly sent a man she met on a...
Woman Caught With 5 Men Captured in Sex Dungeon After...
- A 52-year old Columbia, Maryland woman has been...
Your Hotel Room Might Not Be as Secure as You Think...
- You might want to lock that extra deadbolt next time...
28 Quick Pics To Get You Through The Day
- Enjoy a serving of random pics from the world wide web!
Chinese Tourists Go Absolutely Mental Over...
- I wonder if they brought backpacks to fill full of...
Woman Get's the Come-Up of the Year When Her Painting...
- Go check your attic for that come-up.
Pastor Loses It And Kicks Out Churchgoer For Talking...
- If this is what church is like, I want to start going.
Dude Pulls Some Insane Parkour but on a BMX Bike
- Tim Knoll's incredible style of street riding has...
Kid Who Bought Watercolor Painting for $2 Gets A Huge...
- You know if we are featuring paintings it gonna be a...
Watch This Last Second Play in the Texas High School...
- North Shore was playing Duncanville for State 6A...
This Referee Forced A Wrestler To Cut His Dreads...
- A referee forced a wrestler to cut his dreadlocks...
Stuck Up Lady Loses Her Cool At Starbucks
- Jesus lady, you got a gift card and a refund, just...
43 Dank Memes That Will Vastly Improve Your Life
- Dank memes for dank people.
Teacher Loses Her Mind When A Student Wore A...
- She seems wound up.
14 Interesting Facts You Won't Believe Are True
- Facts that might startle you.
UFO Sighting in Texas Leaves Many Stumped
- A woman in Keller, Texas spotted this strange...
12 Fictional Characters Found IRL
- When TV comes to life... Its more WTF and less WOW.
Crazy Australian Decides To Pull Out Knife On Workers...
- The guy went completely mental.
26 Interesting Pics That Will Entertain and Amuse You
- Put your day on pause and check out these randoms.
Woman Accepts Friend Request From A Random Dude, He...
- What the hell is wrong with people?
Insane Londoner Seeking A Roommate Lays Out...
- Good luck finding anyone who wants to live you, mate.
27 Super Random Pics That'll Heighten Your Senses
- Random images from the world wide web.
34 Batshit Crazy People Who Need To Get Off Facebook
- Some racists, some anti-vaxxers, so just plan insane...
Soulja Boy Is Trying To Sell Some Barely Legal Gaming...
- Soulja Boy is trying to sell you a barely legal gaming...
Sky Diver Sets His Parachute On Fire After Jumping...
- Burn Baby, Burn...
43 Super Random Pics From The Ends of the Interwebz
- A collection of unrelated awesomeness.
Violin Bow Creates Symmetrical Shapes From Thin Air
- The world is full of mysteries.
24 Texts Shutting Down Thirsty Exes
- No one wants it to go down like this. But we've all...
80-Year-Old Man Confesses to Killing 90 in the 70s
- Samuel Little is being held in a Texas prison....
34 Pictures Occurring Without Definite Aim, Reason, Or...
- Pst. You. Yeah, you. Wanna see some random pictures?
So Scorpions Change Color Under Black Light Apparently
- Scorpions got even more badass.
eBaum's Picks